Crystal Trahan
Licensed: 2024
Favorite service type: Relaxation, Combination, & Thai Massage
Book recommendation: Anything by Stephen King or R. L Stine!
Favorite Add-On: Cupping
Ideal Client: People who are seeking therapeutic work and also want to relax. I really love and enjoy helping individuals with disabilities. My passion is in elder care and supporting those with disabilities.
Astrology Sign: Sun in Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius, Rising in Taurus
Self-care faves
“Yoga, Epsom salt baths, reading, and a good old-fashioned nap- I love naps!”
What I Do and Why
“love helping people feel better in their own bodies, whether that means helping them relax or manage their pain. I am very passionate about working with individuals with disabilities and the elderly, assisting them in alleviating pain and maintaining their mobility as much as possible.”

- A Gathering Place (Springfield) 2024
- Cupping Certification (2024)
- Thai Massage (Level One) Certification 2024
- CYT 500 (Emery Bryant Yoga 2020)
- Trauma-Informed Yoga Certification (2022)
- Reiki Certification (Level One & Two) 2022
- Silver Sneakers Certification (2020)
- Water Aerobics Certification (2020)
- CNA (25+ years)

A Little about me
“I’m a mom of two boys, and we live on a little farm that brings us so much joy! I absolutely love spending my time gardening, cooking up delicious meals, and swimming. One of my greatest passions is helping others feel comfortable and at ease in their body, mind, and spirit, whether it’s through massage or yoga.”