Herbal Oil on a Molecular Level

Herbal oil isn’t a magical cure-all potion, and it’s not something made to get you high; Cannabidiol (aka Herbal Oil) is a part of the cannabis plant that can leave a therapeutic, relaxing effect on people and truly impact your body in a positive way. With the recent interest in herbal oil, a lot of rumors have started to circulate. We hope that by explaining exactly how herbal oil affects your brain, many of the stereotypes and myths you have heard about will be dispelled.

Within your brain, the endocannabinoid system’s most important function is to maintain balance and homeostasis of almost everything going on in your body. CB1 and CB2 receptors make up the system, and these receptors are activated by anandamide and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol. Anandamide stimulates the CB1 receptors; while 2-AG stimulates both the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 controls several physiological functions like sleeping, appetite, emotion, sensory perception, memory, and cognition; CB2 activation controls inflammation since these receptors are predominantly found in the immune system.

Now, THC binds to the CB1 receptors, altering your state of mind. Herbal oil, unlike THC, has a low binding affinity with the CB1 receptors which means it will not give you that ‘high’ feeling. Instead, CBD binds to different receptors and activates them to produce its therapeutic effects by getting transported by fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) to go through cell membranes.

One of the most common uses for herbal oil is for anxiety, as it directly activates a receptor called serotonin. As we know, serotonin creates a relaxing, calming effect on a person which can help with things like addiction, insomnia, and pain management (and so much more). Herbal oil also binds with TRPV1 receptors, which is known to mediate pain perception, inflammation, and body temperature making even more of an impact on your physical being. These are just a couple of the receptors that herbal oil influences,  it’s been found that there are more than 65 molecular targets of Cannabidiol!

Remember how we mentioned Anandamide earlier? It is known as your ‘bliss molecule’ and is naturally found in the body. As mentioned, it stimulates your CB1 receptors which have a big impact on your emotions and sensory preception. Unfortunately anadamide gets transported by FABP to the enzymes that break it down, taking away its therapeutic effects. While herbal oil is in your system it is competing for FABP, leaving fewer for anadamide to bind with, thus leaving more of it in your body! Just another positive effect on your body by herbal oil!

Because of all these benefits, Precision Wellness offers massages and facials with a custom blend of herbal oil and your choice of aromatherapy. Whether you’re looking for deep tissue relaxation or are seeking relief from pain, this add-on is for you! 


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