Skin Care and Preparing for Winter

With all the anticipation of Fall approaching, many people look past the fact that winter is right behind it! Rigid wind and temperatures tend to suck the natural oils out of your skin, leaving you cracked and dry for the season. Dehydration can not only leave you feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, but it can lead to flaking, cracking, and dullness. There are a few skin care routines that can help you stay ahead of this dry season – the only require is a small amount of extra attention and time to prepare!

The easiest step, but most overlooked is to KEEP IT COOLED DOWN!

Long, hot showers or baths is the quickest way to dry your skin out! Although it can feel nice to jump in that steaming hot bathtub whenever it is below freezing outside- try to limit yourself. A hot shower or bath once or twice a week can fulfill your steaming hot needs, but also leaves 5 or 6 days out of the week for a normal, healthy temperature.

Another method to preventing dry skin is to MOISTURIZE!

Using moisturizer is a good habit for everyday use, but you must take it the extra mile for winter! If your regular moisturizer does not seem to be getting the job done, try switching to a thicker formula that might work better. If you are confused about what formula is best for your skin, some key words to look for are “hydrating,” “healing,” “hyaluronic acid” and “antioxidants”.

Keeping that summer glow throughout winter is possible with exfoliating!

Exfoliation is good for the face and body! Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, moisturizes, polishes the skin and can prevent breakouts! Exfoliating can help clear our pores and prep for our beauty products. You should do this 1-3 times per week, either in the shower or at the sink, wherever is most convenient!

Something you shouldn’t forget to do is protect your lips!

This can be as easy as applying lip balm before bed, when you wake up, after you brush your teeth or after eating. Any activity that can remove the previous layer, you should reapply after. A good idea is to use a thicker, healing formula when ending the day that way it can work its magic overnight, without interruptions.

Sometimes you can follow all the steps and still have irritated skin in the winter. This is most likely from overloading your skin!

Overloading can tend to overwhelm and stress out your skin. It is best to not add a ton of new products at once. Overhauling your skin care products can clog up your pores, dry out your skin and cause breakouts. You should try to space out the new products and make sure you are not using a ton of products on the same area at once.

Schedule on of our services!

Scheduling a service such as a facial or body treatment can help your skin get the intensive and expert care that is requires. Skin analysis and personal consultations will be used to discuss the needs of your skin and the troubles you are facing this winter. It will be tailored to your skin traits and create a one-of-a-kind rejuvenation of you.

You may be using moisturizers daily or keeping up with your skin care routine and wondering what a facial can do differently for you? Facials strategically remove the outer layer of your skin to allow moisturizers and creams to penetrate the skin better and become more effective!

Our Precision Wellness Estheticians are experienced and bring a wealth of knowledge and passion along with every service! Call today to set up your consultation at (417) 886-1131.


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