Olivia Morgenthaler

Olivia Morgenthaler
Licensed Massage therapist

Licensed: 2020

Favorite Service Type:  Manual Lymph Drainage & Relaxation Massage

Favorite Add-On: Face Ritual

Astrology Sign: Pisces Sun 

Book Recommendations:  ‘The Wisdom of Insecurity‘, by Allan Watts

Self-Care Favs

Sitting on the couch with my cat while drinking a cup of coffee. I love an epsom salt soak in the bath and also quiet time.

Ideal Clients

People needing recovery & healing from big life events (surgery, accidents, etc), clients wanting relief from swelling & pain.

What I Do and Why

  1. I like to create a space where people don’t have expectations of them, they can just be and relax and BE! It’s important to me to help give people relief from inflammation, or anyone feeling self-conscious.


  • WellSpring School of Allied Health
    • Graduated in 2020
  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage
    • Certification in 2022

A Little about me

I live in Springfield currently, but am planning to move to Bolivar in the next few years to have some land and chickens with my fiance! Cats are my favorite animal, I have two! I like to run, paint, read and watch movies.


Therapeutic Massage, Esthetics and Yoga

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