What Is a Bacial? Back Facial FAQs

womens back with coffee scrub on it shaped like a heart

Learn More About Back Facials

Many of us take extreme measures when it comes to our face care routine – why shouldn’t we take some time figuring out what the rest of our skin needs as well (especially with areas you can hardly reach!)?

What Happens During A Back Facial?

Generally, a back facial starts with a deep steaming that’s designed to open the pores and soften your skin for more effective cleaning, exfoliation, back pimple extraction, and hydration.

Our back facials entail very similar techniques as the ones we use in our regular facial treatments. The difference is in the products we use – they’re specifically formulated so that they can penetrate the tough skin on your back. This treatment works to cleanse and exfoliate your back’s skin to get rid of that acne and create a glow.

What Should I wear To A Back Facial?

It’s best to wear loose, comfortable clothing to your back facial appointment. Ideally, if you have shirts with a low back, these will be great to wear post-appointment to avoid transfer of any moisturizer or skin treatments.

How Often Should I Get A Back Facial?

Your esthetician can help you determine how often you need a back facial based on your skin concerns. It may be recommended at least every 2-4 weeks if you are experiencing back acne and breakouts.


gloved hands dermaplaning a face

Dermaplaning has become an increasingly popular exfoliation treatment as people branch out with their beauty regimes. This method uses a scalpel to gently scrape the dead skin of the top layer of skin to expose a brighter, softer complexion. It requires an experienced hand, which is why we only recommend getting this procedure done by a trained esthetician.


Along with getting rid of that unwanted peach fuzz (that makes your makeup look all funky), dermaplaning also allows skincare products to easily penetrate and have a greater effect. Because this method has no harsh chemicals with it, it is a perfect treatment for pregnant or nursing women. Most treatments are quick (usually less than 30 minutes) and can be repeated every month. There aren’t any side effects, and clients experience radiant skin as soon as they’re done!

The Old Wives Tale

Some clients are nervous to start dermaplaning because they believe that shaving the peach fuzz on their face will make it grow back thicker and darker. But that’s not true! The superfine hair on your face grows back the same as it was before the procedure, and just like waxing it may get thinner with time!

Dermaplaning is effective on all skin types besides very oily or active acne. It’s also great for mature skin, as it can get rid of the buildup of skin cells that happen with age.

The Long Term Benefits of Regular Facials


A lot of people spend a fair amount of money on expensive facial creams and moisturizers to tighten their skin, reduce wrinkles and age spots and maintain a youthful appearance. While some of these products work better than others, it’s mostly a short-term benefit. To get real and lasting long-term changes to your skin, you need to invest in regular facials.

Here are some of the top long-term benefits of getting facials on a consistent basis:

Regular Facials Lead To A More Even Skin Tone

The tiny crystals used in our microdermabrasion facials strategically remove cells from the outer layer of your skin. The function of this outer layer is to provide a barrier between the deeper layers of your skin and the outside world. As such most sun damage, hyperpigmentation and blemishes lie within that protective outer layer. Your body interprets the microdermabrasion’s removal of the outer layer as if you have a wound, and so it rushes to replace it with new and healthy cells, which leads to an evener skin tone.

Regular Facials Lead To Less Pronounced Wrinkles

Microdermabrasion benefits the aging skin as well. Due to new and healthy cells replacing old ones, skin texture is refined and fine lines and wrinkles become less pronounced. And while our facials only touch the outer layer of your skin, it puts the inner layers to work, leading to a stimulation of collagen-producing cells. The result is a smoother, younger skin surface.

Regular Facials Work For All Skintypes and Skintones

Other facial treatments like chemical peels and dermabrasion (an aggressive treatment that’s only performed in hospitals) can lead to discoloration and are therefore not suited for darker skin tones. Microdermabrasion facials are much more gentle though, and perfectly suitable for every skin type and every skin tone. On top of that, our Precision Wellness estheticians will adjust the intensity of your treatment to your individual skin characteristics and needs.

Your Existing Creams & Moisturizers Will Be More Effective

Because the outer layer of your skin is gone, moisturizers and creams penetrate the skin better and thus are far more effective than usual. On top of that Precision Wellness only uses carefully selected products from gentle, high-end brands, so you get the best results.

Regular Facials Can Lead To Long-Term Skin Improvements

If you get facials at regular intervals, you will start to see some amazing long-term benefits. Recent research has shown that repeated facials may influence the way the deeper layers of your skin grow, removing deeper skin problems over time.

Visit Precision Wellness today and get started on a regular facial schedule that will not allow you to pamper yourself and feel great, but your skin will reap long-term benefits.

The Science Behind Microdermabrasion


The Basics

Microdermabrasion is a general term for the application of tiny rough grains to buff away the surface layer of skin. Many different products and treatments use this method, including medical procedures, salon treatments, and creams and scrubs that you apply yourself at home. It’s usually done to the face, chest, neck, arms, or hands. Before we can understand how microdermabrasion does what it does, it’s important to understand how the skin works.

Your skin is made up of two main layers, the epidermis, and the dermis. The epidermis is the layer closest to the outside world. It’s a set of dead skin cells on top of another layer of cells that are in the process of maturing. The topmost layer is called the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum mostly acts as a barrier between the outside world and the lower skin layers. It keeps all but the smallest molecules from getting through.

When you put lotions or creams on your skin, some of the moisture passes through the stratum corneum, but not all of it. This layer is home to many minor skin imperfections like fine wrinkle lines and blemishes.

All of the action in microdermabrasion takes place at the level of the stratum corneum. Since it only really targets the epidermis (and not the dermis), it is more accurate to call it micro-epi-dermabrasion. Affecting deeper layers of skin would be painful and harmful, and it would risk permanently embedding the tiny grains into the skin.

Microdermabrasion Effects

Whether done with a product at home or in a professional setting with a specialized tool, the principle of microdermabrasion is the same. The idea is that if you remove or break up the stratum corneum, the body interprets that as a mild injury and rushes to replace the lost skin cells with new and healthy ones. In the first hour after treatment, this causes mild edema (swelling) and erythema (redness). Depending on the individual, these side effects can last anywhere from an hour to two days.

This process has a few beneficial effects. With the stratum corneum gone, the skin’s surface is improved. The healing process brings with it newer skin cells that look and feel smoother. Some of the skin’s visible imperfections, like sun damage, blemishes, and fine lines, are removed. Also, without the stratum corneum acting as a barrier, medicinal creams and lotions are more effective because more of their active ingredients and moisture can find their way down to the lower layers of skin. As microdermabrasion temporarily removes some moisture from the skin, it is always followed by the application of moisturizing creams.

Early studies suggest that repeated microdermabrasion treatment at regular intervals may influence the way the lower layers of skin grow, as well, removing deeper blemishes over time. Some evidence seems to indicate that the rapid loss of skin moisture may be what triggers the lower skin layers to work overtime in speeding healthy cells up to the surface.


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