
What Is a Bacial? Back Facial FAQs

Learn More About Back Facials

Many of us take extreme measures when it comes to our face care routine – why shouldn’t we take some time figuring out what the rest of our skin needs as well (especially with areas you can hardly reach!)?

What Happens During A Back Facial?

Generally, a back facial starts with a deep steaming that’s designed to open the pores and soften your skin for more effective cleaning, exfoliation, back pimple extraction, and hydration.

Our back facials entail very similar techniques as the ones we use in our regular facial treatments. The difference is in the products we use – they’re specifically formulated so that they can penetrate the tough skin on your back. This treatment works to cleanse and exfoliate your back’s skin to get rid of that acne and create a glow.

What Should I wear To A Back Facial?

It’s best to wear loose, comfortable clothing to your back facial appointment. Ideally, if you have shirts with a low back, these will be great to wear post-appointment to avoid transfer of any moisturizer or skin treatments.

How Often Should I Get A Back Facial?

Your esthetician can help you determine how often you need a back facial based on your skin concerns. It may be recommended at least every 2-4 weeks if you are experiencing back acne and breakouts.


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