
What Are The Benefits of Massage?

We could write a book about the benefits of massage… and we just might!

Some main benefits of massage that might interest you are:

Massage therapy is the number one treatment for back pain as recommended by the American Medical Association.

Massage therapy helps your body heal from acute injuries such as falls, strains, sprains, and surgeries. Massage therapy also provides relief from repetitive strains, poor posture or body mechanics, and stress-related tension. It even treats TMJD, carpal tunnel symptoms, and chronic headaches, including some migraines.

All types of therapeutic massage are beneficial to all systems of your human body. Your wellness goals will help your therapist determine what massage techniques will provide you with the most customized results.

Massage has a cumulative effect, meaning the more regularly you receive massage the more your body benefits from it. Much like dental cleaning and oil changes, frequency matters! The industry standard for “maintenance” massage is monthly. If you are recovering from an injury or surgery we recommend you come more often and discuss a recovery plan with your therapist. Massage should be seen as part of health maintenance, not as a luxury!

How Often Should I Receive a Massage?

For those who use massage as preventative care or to manage daily stress, one massage a month is the most common. Weekly sessions may be desirable if you are seeking massage for injury relief or to relieve chronic tightness or pain that is interfering with your daily life.

There are many people who incorporate massage therapy at least twice a month for optimal therapeutic relief. Discuss the frequency of sessions with your therapist after at least one treatment session based on your wellness goals.

Can I Talk During My Massage Session?

Sure, if you’d like to talk go right ahead. The important thing to remember is that this treatment is all about you relaxing and enjoying the experience. Many people find it is easier to relax and let their mind float into a state of massage or facial bliss in silence.

Other people relax easier with conversation. If your goal is pain relief, it may be necessary for you to give feedback about pressure and pain referral sensations during the session.

The important thing to remember is that there are times when you need to speak up. If your therapist does anything that you find uncomfortable, you should let your therapist know immediately. Also, let us know if you get too warm or too cold, if the room is too bright, or if the pressure needs to be adjusted up or down.

Remember, your massage or facial is all about your comfort!

What Should I Do During a Massage Treatment?

Make yourself comfortable. If your therapist wants you to adjust your position, we will either move you or ask you to move as needed. Otherwise, change your position anytime to make yourself more comfortable.

Many people close their eyes and relax completely during a session. Others prefer to talk. It’s up to you. It is your massage, and whatever feels natural to you is the best way for you to relax. Do not hesitate to ask questions at any time.

Will I Be Covered During the Massage Session?

Your therapist will ask you to undress to your comfort level in private and climb under the sheet and blanket on the massage table. About half of our clients prefer to completely undress, while the other half prefers to keep their undergarments on. This is completely up to you. You will undress and dress in the privacy of your massage room and will be securely covered or draped by a blanket and a sheet during your massage session.

Are There Any Health Precautions to Keep in Mind Before Waxing?

VERY IMPORTANT: Some physicians do not recommend waxing for persons suffering from diabetes or who have varicose veins or poor circulation as they are more susceptible to infection.

Waxing is never done on clients taking Accutane and is not recommended for clients using Retin A, Renova, Differin, or other types of skin thinning acne medications.

Please read the label carefully and consult your dermatologist if you are taking any medication or using any topical cream that contains these medications. Individuals do react differently to these medications and sometimes waxing can be done if proper patch testing is completed.

Also, please advise your esthetician if you are allergic to any foods – because if you can’t eat it, you shouldn’t put the extracts on your skin. Please be completely honest with your Skin Care Therapist about all allergies and medications you are taking – it is for your protection.

Will the Hair Grow Back Thicker After Waxing?

Absolutely not. It might seem so because you will be accustomed to a hairless zone, and new hair will be intolerable.

Usually, regrowth will be finer, thinner, and slower. Eventually, hair growth may stop altogether.

How Long Will Waxing Results Last?

After a client’s first waxing, the results can last 3 to 6 weeks depending on the individual’s hair re-growth.

In most cases, hair growth is minimal during the first week or two and noticeably increases in the third and fourth weeks.

Heat stimulates hair growth, therefore hair grows quicker in the summer than in the winter.

With regular waxing, the length of time between treatments will increase. Continued waxing results in sparse hair re-growth.

What Areas of the Body Can Be Waxed?

The wax can be used on almost any part of the body as needed.  It is wise to test a small area first for sensitivity. 

Some frequently waxed areas for women are legs, underarms, bikini lines, eyebrows, and face. For men: chest, leg, arms, and back. 

The exceptions for waxing are the beards and inside the ears.

Why Should I Wax?

Waxing is one of the best ways to temporarily remove unwanted hair. It is more effective than shaving because it removes hair from the roots, not just from the skin’s surface. Over time, hair in waxed areas regrows lighter and sparser or not at all.

Even fine hair shadows the face, distorting and aging your features. Waxing the brows opens up the eyes, providing a non-surgical facelift. You keep the hair on your head well-maintained, so why not everywhere else?


Therapeutic Massage, Esthetics and Yoga

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