Postpartum Massage


While we have already explained the benefits massage can have on pregnant women, it’s worth noting the importance of massage after having a baby as well. Carrying a child can be one of the most altering life events a woman will ever go through – especially physically.

Along with going through a large number of bodily changes in the past 9 months, a new mother also has a lot more responsibility and stress after her baby is born. That’s a lot of pressure on someone!

Massages are a key element in postpartum recovery because:

They’re great for relieving stress and anxiety.

What better what to relax than to get a massage? Massages are able to relax the otherwise high-strung muscles that were used heavily during pregnancy and labor, smoothing out knotted areas of the body. Don’t be afraid to truly pamper yourself during this session either – you just brought a baby into this world! – so why not add in an extra relaxing facial?

They help to balance out hormones.

Many women struggle with depression and hormone imbalances postpartum. Luckily, massages help to balance out hormones by the release of chemicals during the massage (especially when essential oils are used).

Massages can decrease pain.

For a long time, people have received massages to help with their chronic pain. A lot of people don’t know that the underlying cause of a hurting part of the body is usually caused by an entirely different area – but your massage therapist will be able to help pinpoint your troubles!

They can also improve sleep.

It’s no surprise that many new mothers are severely sleep-deprived. Speedy recovery is linked with getting good sleep, so it’s crucial that you make time for yourself. Let your mother-in-law watch the baby for an hour or two while you take time to rest and relax with a massage and take a nap afterward!

As soon as you feel comfortable enough to receive a massage, make an appointment! If you’re not sure your body is quite ready or have questions, always check with your doctor to ensure a postpartum massage is the right move for you.


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