Body Hair From Around The World

illustraction of nine different women in bikinis

The grooming habits of American women are well known today.  Like most things’ appearance-related, they are media-driven.  The removal (and trimming) of pubic hair in the US appears to be tied to the invention of the bikini in the ’60s. 

Different countries prefer specific hair removal methods to others.  These might include waxing, shaving, depilatory creams, laser hair removal, or threading.  What are the personal grooming habits of women around the world?  We’re here to tell you!

The UK:  The UK is most like the USA in preferring waxing and laser hair removal.  Shaving is another popular method simply because it is more accessible, convenient, and costs less.

Japan:  Women in Japan have preferred to shave only their legs and underarms, leaving the bikini and pubic area untouched.  It is also quite common to remove facial hair and peach fuzz for a smooth, glass-like appearance. 

Australia:  Australian women are known for being beach babes, and what those beach babes do not want is unwanted hair.  Removing their leg, underarm, and facial hair as well as hair in their bikini region with laser hair removal or waxing is not uncommon.  Australians are so into hair-free, smooth skin that those that do not remove their hair are considered outliers.

India:  Predominantly it is the women of upper classes that now remove their unwanted leg, underarm, and pubic hair in India with their chosen removal method being primarily depilatory creams.  However, laser hair removal is quickly becoming more popular as laser technology develops for use on darker skin tones.  With laser hair technology, it is becoming more popular to remove hair from the chin, upper lip, underarms, cheeks, and bikini area.

Brazil:  You likely assume that the term “Brazilian wax” comes from Brazil, but that is not true.  It is American and is not very popular in Brazil.  The most popular grooming style among Brazilian women is to leave a “landing strip” of hair.

Germany:  It is common for women to shave their legs, underarms, and the bikini region in Germany.  Much like in the US, it is extremely popular to be smooth and hair-free.  Laser hair removal is the most popular hair removal method because it is most effective, efficient, and permanent.

China:  Hair removal in China has not been a significant beauty ritual, up until recently.  Chinese women didn’t bother to remove their leg or armpit hair, as hair was just part of your body and nothing to be ashamed about.  Body hair is considered completely natural.  Hair removal methods (for those mostly in big cities) use depilatory creams or shaving.

As you can see, women throughout most of the world remove at least some of their body hair.  While the parts to be plucked may change according to trends, if time tells us anything, it is that women will continue to want to keep at least some portion of their bodies hairless.

How To Build Healthy Self-Care Habits That Stick

Lightbox with motivation words for self care, positive thinking, mental health, emotional wellness

Self-care is all about the everyday habits that help you take care of and nurture your health and well-being. It means listening to your body, intentionally tuning in to the thoughts going on in your mind, and challenging your behaviors. 

You may love the idea of self-care, and you may be on board with the benefits, but have you recognized the need for self-care?  Actually adopting a self-care practice that can improve your life in more ways than you think.

Understand what self-care is and what is not

“The way I define self-care is the intentional, proactive pursuit of integrated wellness that balances mind, body, and spirit personally and professionally,” says Paula Gill Lopez, Ph.D., an associate professor and the chair of the department of psychological and educational consultation at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Connecticut. 

Self-care is about more than taking care of your physical health. Things are moving so fast around us that we need space to self-care and slow down to rest from all the busyness in our lives.

Ultimately, your self-care routine should make you a better version of yourself.  You should get some enjoyment out of the activity.  Rule of thumb, if the activities that you choose are adding to your well-being and are not detrimental to the other areas of your life, then there is a benefit.  You are better suited to take care of others, foster strong relationships, be resilient, and balance personal and professional responsibilities.

To help you get some direction, I have rounded up some powerful, important tips on self-care.  Please take these tips as guideposts rather than commands.  Find a way to make them fit that feels comfortable.

  • Do not do things you hate:  This seems obvious but sometimes it is not.  When exercising you need to do an activity that you enjoy or it is not self-care.  Each self-care habit you engage in must be customized especially for you, and the first step is to stop routines and actives that make you feel like you’re dying inside.
  • Find out what you love:  This also seems obvious, however, when you are not doing what you love, you lose determination.  When you lose determination, you are back to square one.  Don’t settle for anything less than raw, pulsating passion.
  • Recover from “expert addiction”:  There is a curious and toxic trend in our society to trust outside sources of advice and approval more than we trust our own selves.  If you want to build lifetime habits, the ONLY approval you need is your own.   Do not allow your path to be dictated by others.  Find your own way.  You are your own expert.
  • Develop a daily self-care routine: Speak kindly to yourself EVERY DAY!  Move your body, connect with your spirit, eat mindfully.  It is much easier to do something EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. When you do something every single day, you develop a habit more easily. 
  • Play with your routine:  Commit to structure of the routine while allowing yourself to play within it.  Impose a rigid structure with rigid activities, soon you will feel suffocated.  To feel free as well as fulfilled, you must allow for structure as well as play in your habits.  Allow for your routine to have a basic structure and allow yourself to play with the activities within that structure.
  • Relax:  Remember the feeling of peace.  The purpose of caring for yourself is to do it in a way that is graceful, flowing, and kind to yourself.  If you begin to get stressed, find a way to relax.  A massage or facial can do wonders 😉
  • Know your worth:  Self-care is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself as it produces positive feelings and boosts your confidence and self-esteem. 
  • A healthy work-life balance: Contrary to common belief, workaholism is not a virtue. Being overworked with excessive stress and exhaustion can make you less productive, disorganized, and emotionally depleted.  I can also lead to all sorts of healthy problems.  Professional self-care habits are just as important and personal self-care habits.  Setting professional boundaries, avoiding overextending, etc. ensures that you stay sharp, motivated and healthy.
  • Stress Management: A little does of stress is a healthy way to give us a nudge on deadlines or to finish overdue tasks, constant stress and anxiety can have an adverse effect on your mental and physical health. Eating healthy, connecting with a loved one or practicing meditation cuts down the toxic effects of stress by improving your mood and boosting your energy and confidence levels.

Now, after we’ve decided on new self-care habits, how do we get them to stick?

  • Start small – if you’re increasing water intake, start by one extra glass. It’s baby steps that will lead to big accomplishments.
  • Know your excuses – What gets in the way of this habit? Is it because you’re tired? Or you run out of time? Whatever habit you’re failing to form, consider what is preventing your success. Once you nail down your usual excuses, you can address them!
  • Set yourself up for success – It’s time to nip the excuses in the bud and get to work. If you forget your gym clothes, have an extra pair in your car. If you have a tendency to forget appointments for yourself, schedule them and don’t back out!
  • You will fail, but try again – Whether you cheat on a diet, skip a work out, or forgot to journal this morning – it’s ok! Just try again tomorrow.
  • Keep track – What gets measured gets managed. Plus it’s a great way to set goals, smash those goals, and celebrate your successes!

Precision Wellness is here for you, no matter what part we take in your self-care journey. Remember, you’ve got this!

What Are The Differences Between a Brazilian Wax and a Bikini Wax?

jar of wax with wooden applicators and flowers

Bikini Waxes Vs. Brazilian Waxes

Simply shaving your pubic hair can leave the hair longer than you’d like – not to mention the high possibility of razor burn. Waxing is a much smoother alternative, and results last for weeks!

So, what’s the difference between a bikini wax and a Brazilian? A bikini wax is typically where the hair along the bikini line is removed (that way you can’t see any hair when you’re in your swimsuit). For the most part, this is a fairly quick process and is a common choice. A Brazilian wax removes all the hair in your pubic region, often only leaving a strip of hair in the front or nothing at all. This includes the full bikini wax, plus removing all the hair on the front, back, sides, and middle of your private parts. For those that like the feel of being completely hair-free, Brazilian waxes are a great option. Most of the time, you can leave your underwear on during a standard bikini wax, but for a Brazilian, you’ll be sans panties.

Are Brazilian Waxes Better Than Bikini Waxes?

Regardless of the option you choose, waxes help to remove the full follicle of hair to keep it from growing back for longer periods of time. There is no “better” option between a bikini wax or a brazilian, it all depends on your wants and paint tolerance! A Brazilian/bikini wax is not the most pleasant thing to experience compared to the discomfort of bikini waxes, although it does get less painful the more often you get it done, and your results are more noticeable. It’s important to use an experienced professional to get these waxes done, as this area can be very sensitive.

Why Do People Get Brazilian Waxes?

Some reasons for having a Brazilian wax include cleanliness, convenience and, of course, sexiness. When you sit at the beach or pool in your bathing suit, you feel so good, so comfortable because you don’t have to worry about hair peeking out.

Book online or call us at (417) 886-1131 to schedule a waxing appointment.

Dermaplaning vs. Full Face Waxing and Shaving

woman in robe with towel on head touching her face and smiling

Everyone likes having smooth skin, and for many people, their faces are no exception. To get rid of the peach fuzz (also called Vellus hair) on your face, there are some options.

Dermaplaning is a treatment that should only be provided by a licensed professional. During this process, the skin is pulled taut on the face while a surgical blade is used to closely cut the fine hair and dead skin. Unlike other methods, using this treatment allows the hair to grow back softer and is a better exfoliant. Learn more about dermaplaning.

While waxing is a common option people utilize, there are a few things to keep in mind. We always recommend using a test spot before waxing the entire face to ensure your skin isn’t sensitive to the wax being used. Once again, you should use a professional for waxing to ensure the process is done smoothly and doesn’t leave behind scarring.

Another option is to shave the hair off of your face. People typically do this at home and must do this method more often as the hair tends to grow back quicker than the other options. Shaving tends to blunt the hair so that it doesn’t act as well as an exfoliant and could potentially lead to ingrown hairs or razor burn. This option does not offer the same exfoliation as the other two methods.

Everyone’s skin is different, and we encourage you to find the method that works with your routine the best. If you have low pain tolerance, you should look into dermaplaning or shaving options, as waxing can be painful.

If you’re not sure where to start with getting rid of the hair on your face, we’d love to talk to you! Our licensed estheticians can help guide you through the process of dermaplaning and waxing, and explain the best option for your hair and skin.


gloved hands dermaplaning a face

Dermaplaning has become an increasingly popular exfoliation treatment as people branch out with their beauty regimes. This method uses a scalpel to gently scrape the dead skin of the top layer of skin to expose a brighter, softer complexion. It requires an experienced hand, which is why we only recommend getting this procedure done by a trained esthetician.


Along with getting rid of that unwanted peach fuzz (that makes your makeup look all funky), dermaplaning also allows skincare products to easily penetrate and have a greater effect. Because this method has no harsh chemicals with it, it is a perfect treatment for pregnant or nursing women. Most treatments are quick (usually less than 30 minutes) and can be repeated every month. There aren’t any side effects, and clients experience radiant skin as soon as they’re done!

The Old Wives Tale

Some clients are nervous to start dermaplaning because they believe that shaving the peach fuzz on their face will make it grow back thicker and darker. But that’s not true! The superfine hair on your face grows back the same as it was before the procedure, and just like waxing it may get thinner with time!

Dermaplaning is effective on all skin types besides very oily or active acne. It’s also great for mature skin, as it can get rid of the buildup of skin cells that happen with age.

Waxing For Men


Can Men Get Waxes? Of Course! Learn The Benefits Of Male Waxing

Sometimes, you need to find a way for effective chest and back hair removal — many people choose to wax to accomplish this task. When people hear of waxing they often think of women using this method, but it has become more common for men. Discover the effectiveness of waxing for unwanted hair removal.

The most common areas for men to get waxed are the chest and back. Some men think back hair is unattractive, while some are concerned about their chest hair, such as bodybuilders. Bodybuilders need to be able to show their muscles without all of the chest hair, or hair growing up over their muscly shoulders! Other men get waxed simply because their partner doesn’t like their chest or back hair.

Waxing Makes Chest and Back Hair Removal A Breeze

Most men see waxing as a discreet form of hair removal for their unwanted body hair. It is an easy process that lasts for a few weeks. Although it is not a permanent solution, your hair will not grow for a couple of weeks, a little longer for others after being waxed. The wax is spread over the hair and wax cloth strips are often used to remove the wax. Sometimes the wax is lifted gently with a spatula and then removed, taking the offending hair with it.

Does Waxing hurt?

Some say yes, some say no. The chest and back, even though a large area, it is not as sensitive as some of the other areas of the body, so hopefully, it won’t hurt too much. While some compare it to having a bandage removed, some are afraid to get waxed because of the played-up pain that is involved. Sure it sounds slightly painful, but there are the advantages of being hair-free after.

Another plus when you are getting waxed is hair removal becomes easier over time as the hair follicles become weaker and so eventually getting waxed won’t hurt at all. The first appointment or home waxing may be uncomfortable but it lessens in future waxings. Now the chest will be a little more sensitive than the back, but each time it will become less painful because of the weakening of the hair follicles.

You can visit a beauty salon or hair salon for chest and back hair removal, or you can simply do it in the comfort of your own home. If you are waxing your back, it is recommended that you have an extra pair of hands helping you. The process of waxing is continued until all of the hair in the desired area is removed. After you have been through the hair removal process, you can apply an after waxing moisturizer or lotion to reduce the irritation that may occur due to the waxing.

It is best to wait until the hair is long enough to be removed, as having the new growth appear won’t be as effective. The wax needs to be able to “grab” onto something, so ideally, the hair length needs to be at least a quarter of an inch long. Read more about The Do’s and Dont’s of Waxing to better prepare for your hair removal session.

Book Chest + Back Waxes in Springfield, MO, With Precision Wellness

If you’re seeking an effective, inexpensive, and long-lasting chest and back hair removal option, you might want to consider waxing. We offer quality chest waxes and back waxes near you, whether it’s a quick drive from Nixa, Branson, or Republic, or you’re a local here in Springfield. Enjoy lasting, smooth skin with minimal prep and recovery by booking a wax at Precision Wellness!

What To Expect After a Brazilian Wax

woman on a beach putting suncreen on and smiling

If you’ve never had a Brazilian wax, you may be tentative because you don’t know what to expect afterward. Or maybe you’d like some suggestions to make the aftermath a bit easier. While most women experience only mild redness or irritation, there are some other problems that may occur.

The bikini area skin is naturally very sensitive. Waxing is putting a very hot material on this already sensitive spot and abrasively removing hair from the root. So for newbies and veterans alike, here are some ways you can help minimize the negative after-effects.

Things to Avoid After a Brazilian Wax to Reduce Irritation


First, stay out of the sun after the waxing. The area is extremely sensitive to sun exposure, often leading to hyperpigmentation or the darkening of the skin pigment. After the first 24 hours, make sure the area is protected by sunscreen. Sun protection designed for babies or specifically for the face is ideal.

Heat Moisture

Next, avoid excess heat moisture to the area for the first 48 hours. What this means is staying away from saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools, or hot tubs that can irritate the vulnerable skin. A hot shower is fine, what we’re talking about here is something that is trapping hot water or heavy moisture against the skin for an extended period of time.

Heavy Exercise

Related to the heat moisture, sweat can irritate the freshly waxed skin and should be avoided for the first 24 hours. Likewise, any repetitive exercise that would cause rubbing of the area against either clothing or itself can result in irritation and possibly broken skin that may lead to infection. Gotta throw sex into this category as well. Avoid positions that involve rubbing, or convince your partner to take a 24-hour break. (maybe have it done on a Sunday so he’s too busy watching football!)

Tight Clothing

As mentioned above, if the skin is sensitive, allow the area to be free of tight clothing or materials so there is no irritation from the fibers or your own movements.

Exfoliating Scrubs or Cleansers

Ouch! The skin already has been exfoliated to the max with the wax, so give it a day or two to cool down before you use any exfoliating scrubs or cleansers.

Brazilian Wax Discomfort Remedies

You tried those hints but you still have problems? Try the following.


Baby powder lightly tapped on will soothe irritated skin. Don’t use baby oil as it could clog the pores. Likewise moisturizing creams. However, avoid baby powder if you have any actual broken skin. You don’t want anything getting into an open wound.


Waxing is never without pain, but if yours isn’t subsiding, try pain relievers like ibuprofen. For immediate results, and while in the comfort of your own home, try sitting in a cool bath or using ice cubes in a washcloth on the area. Pat dry with a soft cloth.

Rash or Broken Skin

Accidents can happen, leading to broken skin with a little bit of blood, or a rash may develop. Keep the area clean and use Polysporin once a day for 3 days. Do not use Neosporin, it contains neomycin that can be harsh or cause allergic reactions. The rash shouldn’t last more than a week and you should see normal healing.

Ingrown Hairs

A good esthetician will hunt down and remove any ingrown hairs at the time of treatment, but some may result afterward. After your 24-hour hiatus from exfoliating, resume exfoliating the area to ensure oils and skin don’t build up and result in future ingrown hairs. You can also use acne wash pads. A quick pass of the bikini area with acne medicated pads will help prevent ingrown hairs!

Don’t try this at home!

Your best bet for a positive bikini waxing experience is to see a licensed esthetician. Not only does their training ensure you experience the least amount of pain, but you’ll be in a clean, safe environment where the procedure is done right.

A bikini wax is a great way to remove unwanted hair and give you a clean, smooth look.


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