What Causes Acne?

popping pimple

Myth: Acne is caused by dirt and poor hygiene
FACT: Acne is not caused by dirt or surface skin oils. Vigorous washing and scrubbing will only irritate the skin, triggering an overproduction of oil, ultimately making acne worse. Because acne is triggered internally, the best approach to hygiene is to use Bioelements line of products for acne prone skin as directed, which fights existing acne, prevents future breakouts and heals visible signs of past acne flare ups.

The medical term for acne is an inflammatory eruption affecting the face, upper back, and chest, consisting of blackheads, cysts, papules, and pustules, and occurring, but not confined to puberty and adolescence.
Acne is a chronic disease of the sebaceous hair follicles that can be successfully treated and controlled by sticking to a strict regimen, but not 100% cured, as in permanently banished. Professional treatment and sticking to a strict at home treatment agenda is crucial. Usage of product outside of the system may compromise best results.

What causes acne?
Hormones prompt your oil glands to produces excess oil, provoking the skin cells in your pores to rapidly shed. When the pore becomes clogged by trapped oil and dead skin cells, it creates a perfect breeding ground for irritating acne bacteria. As your skin tries to deal with the bacteria, it becomes inflamed, eventually causing a full-blown breakout. To stop this cycle from repeating itself over and over, you need to use medical ingredients to control all four trigger factors:

1. Excess sebum
Sebum is produced in sebaceous follicles that are found all over the body except for the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. They may number several hundred per square centimeter on some areas of the face, and there may be about 150 per square centimeter on the back. Human sebum has great complexity containing free fatty acids, triglycerides, cholesterol, squalane and waxes. The average rates of sebum secretion are higher in people with acne than people without acne.

2. Pore-clogging Dead Skin Cells
The epidermis, or outermost layer of the skin, extends down into the follicles, forming a lining. Dead skin cells shed indie the follicles in large clumps. In people with acne, these dead cells stay in the follicle, where they mix with sebum and form an impaction called a micro-comedo.

When the impaction builds, it flows to the surface of the skin. In some cases, it causes the pore to dilate, creating an open comedone (a blackhead) or it becomes a closed comedone (a whitehead).

3. Acne Bacteria
P. acnes are a natural resident of the skin. They are anaerobic bacteria, which means they hate the air, and so they live inside sebaceous follicles. The mixture of sebum and dead cells there facilitate the overgrowth of P. acnes. The chemicals that P. acnes produce as a by-product of ingested sebum contribute to the final trigger factor inflammation.

4. Inflammation
Free fatty acids released from the P. acnes are a primary irritant. As P. acnes proliferate in the oxygen-free environment of the follicle, the irritation and inflammation increase.

The other cause of inflammation is the body’s response to the development of the acne lesion. White blood cells are the first line of defense on the body’s response to injury and infection. Some ingest the bacteria and cellular debris, others produce a host of antibodies and other substances that kill the bacteria and help repair the damaged tissue. Some cause the tissue to become inflamed as the work.

The Importance of Sunscreen (and what happens to your skin without it)

We’ve been told to wear sunscreen during the summer months to avoid sunburns and skin damage, but really we should be wearing it year-round as a preventive health measure!  No matter your skin color or tone, you should be wearing sunscreen.

Sunscreen actually dates to ancient Egypt times, where they would use rice bran extract and jasmine to help shield their skin from the sun. In 1936, chemists invented the first commercial sunscreen, and it has been improved upon ever since. Modern sunscreens are water resistant and are included in many cosmetics and beauty products (primers, foundations, serums, and creams).

Did you know that even on cloudy or snowy days you should wear sunscreen?  Up to 80 percent of the sun’s rays can pass through clouds, if you assume it is OK to forgo protection on an overcast day, think again. Snow can reflect up to 80 percent of ultraviolet (UV) rays, increasing your risk of expose to sun damage.

There are two major ways that sun exposure can damage your skin’s health; ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation which speeds up the aging process in your skin and ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation which burns your skin cells. The UV rays from the sun can reach your skin not only when you are outside but even when you are inside your home or car through the windows.

“Your skin has its natural defense mechanism to protect your skin from UV radiation at a certain level. But it is insufficient to shield your skin cells from excessive sun exposure, which can result in long-term skin concerns such as age spots, wrinkles, pigmentation, sagging skin, roughness, darkening, and others,” says Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at Vedix.

Let’s dive into some of those things that happen to your skin when you do not wear sunscreen:

  • Sun Burns – Your skin may develop mild to severe sunburns which appear as red, hot, painful patches on skin with blisters.
  • Dry Skin – Direct sun exposure on your skin causes loss of moisture and natural oils from your skin. Leading to dehydration and your skin eventually develops dry, rough patches in the affected areas.
  • Sunspots – Or aging spots occur when your skin is exposed to sunlight for a long time. Usually associated with itching, burning sensation, and tenderness.
  • Premature Aging – UV radiation can damage the collagen and connective tissue in your skin, leading to loss of elasticity in your skin, causing wrinkles, saggy and aged skin to appear in younger people.
  • Darkening of Skin – Melanin in excessive amounts produced in your skin as part of its natural defense. This leaves your skin with dark patches and uneven tone.
  • Skin Cancer – Irreparable DNA damage from UV radiation can generate a gene mutation which can eventually trigger cancer in your skin.

It is recommend to reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours. Most people think apply sunscreen with more SPF makes it last longer and ignore the reapplication. But this is a myth.

It is better to use a sunscreen with SPF 30 to 50 and reapply it every 2 hours throughout the day, especially when you are outside. TIP: It takes a minimum of half an hour for your skin to absorb the sunscreen. So, it is better to plan ahead and apply the sunscreen at least 30 minutes before you step outside.

Closely pay attention to your skin, if you notice any new mole, freckle, or brown spot, seek medical attention immediately. If the spot does not heal or turns into an unusual lesion as it can be an early sign of melanoma.

Sunscreen is an important preventive health care habit that should be maintained all year, including cloudy days and winter months. If you find your self with damaged skin from UV exposure, come see us at Precision Wellness. Our amazing estheticians may be able to help reduce some of the signs of damaged skin.

Benefits of Routine Therapeutic Massage

massage therapist rubbing a clients back with forearm

Learn How Regular Massages Can Help You

Therapeutic massage offers many potential health benefits including increased blood flood and circulation, decreased tension in the muscles, and increased endorphin levels. These benefits are helpful in the healing process by bringing nutrition to muscles and easing anxiety to reduce pain and speed recovery. However, one session of therapeutic massage may not be enough. Routine therapeutic massages can have significant additional benefits.

Benefits Of Massage Therapy

Massage can combat the negative symptoms stress can cause in our lives. The physical changes massage brings to your body are not limited to increasing relaxation and decreasing anxiety, lowering your blood pressure, increasing circulation, improving recovery from injury, helping you to sleep better, and increasing your ability to concentrate. Learn more about the benefits of massage on your mind, body, and soul.

Massage Is Great For Athletes & Surgery Patients

Prevent Injury

Massage can be a very powerful asset for preventive care. By seeing a massage therapist regularly, you can prevent minor skeletomuscular injuries from becoming major problems that could lead to loss of mobility or flexibility later in life. Therapeutic massage specifically works to lengthen muscles that are stuck in a pattern of chronic shortening. If you’re worried about the cost of regular massage sessions, consider how costly prescription drugs, doctor visits, and surgeries would be. The cost of prevention may be better than the cost of a cure.

Reduce Recovery Time

Massage helps recovery from soft tissue injuries such as sprains and strains. Tissue growth and repair are accelerated by efficient circulation and appropriate stimulation, making massage a great option for injury recovery and treatment.

Make Your Workouts More Effective

Massage can increase endurance, speed up recovery time, control fatigue, and help people feel better when used as part of a regular health program. By helping rid your body of waste, massage enables more productive training, with longer, more effective workouts. Massage helps prepare for strenuous workouts and eliminates subsequent pains of the athlete at any level.

Make Surgery Recovery Easier

Massage reduces post-surgery adhesions and edema and can be used to reduce and realign scar tissue after healing has occurred. Massage can also improve range of motion and flexibility, aiding in the recovery process. For those with a restricted range of motion, massage provides exercise and stretching for atrophied muscles and reduces muscle shortening.

How Massage Can Improve Your Overall Health

Improve Posture

Poor posture often develops over time as a compensation related to joint and muscle discomfort. Routine therapeutic massage combats this by loosening muscles. Massage provides relaxation for joints, allowing the body to return to its natural position.

Promote Circulation & Lymphatic Flow

Massage increases lymph circulation. Lymph is a fluid that rids body tissues of impurities and waste, and is dependent on the squeezing effect of muscles. An active person has better lymph flow than an inactive person.

Therapeutic massages help blood, lymph, and other essential body fluids to flow throughout the body, affecting your largest organ: the skin! Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to organs and muscles within the body for optimal functioning. A regular massage routine could help lower blood pressure, potentially preventing chronic illnesses. Massage also stimulates the flow of lymph, the body’s natural defense system, against toxic invaders. For example, in breast cancer patients, massage has been shown to increase the cells that fight cancer.

Naturally Strengthen Your Immune System

Therapeutic massages can help boost your immune system by increasing the activity level of the body’s defensive cells. Routine massage treatments promote the body’s ability to naturally fight bacteria and infection. If you are always getting sick, or just tend to feel “under the weather” more than most people, a regular massage routine might help you bounce back.

Treat Migraine With Massage

Endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller, is used in chronic illness, injury, and recovery from surgery to control and relieve pain. Targeted massage techniques, including TMJ massage therapy, help alleviate muscle tension and reduce pressure associated with migraines. By focusing on the neck, shoulders, and jaw, targeted massage therapy can address common migraine triggers at the source.

Massage For Pregnant & Elderly Patients

Shorter, Easier Labor For Expecting Mothers

Massage can shorten labor for expectant mothers, as well as lessen the need for medication, reduce the chances for postpartum depression and anxiety, and shorten hospital stays. Targeting common discomforts like back pain, swelling, and fatigue, and promoting relaxation, pregnancy massages can help you feel more comfortable as your body adapts.

Massage Is Great For Older Adults

Massage knows no age limits. It works wonders on young, old, and in between. It can be helpful to the elderly who are looking for relief from the physical effects of aging which can include: thinner and drier skin, reduced tissue elasticity, loss of mobility, slower nervous system response, decreased bone mass, sleeplessness, constipation, and a less efficient immune system.

Water intake after a massage ~ Why it is beneficial

If you’ve ever had a massage, your therapist has likely encouraged you to slam water like it’s your job right after. But why?  During a massage, many toxins you have been harboring are released. Great! Right?  While it is great that your body is purging harmful toxins, they must be released somewhere – it is best to chug water post-massage to flush those toxins out of your system!


Water helps flush and purify your kidneys which help process key nutrients and toxins!  The water flushes the free radicals released during a massage out and oxygenates your cells to help produce more of the good stuff.

Kicks Dehydration

Massages, believe it or not, is dehydrating, and our bodies are 60% water after all!  The kneading and squeezing that your massage therapist does to your body releases fluids from your muscle tissues and into your vascular system. This means you need to restock up on all the water you lost during your massage.

Rid Metabolic Waste

Sounds fancy, right? Really metabolic waste is just particles in our body that are of no use to us – during a massage, they are released at a much quicker rate than what our bodies are used to. Metabolic waste can constrict our muscles and lead to improper flow of toxin flushing. Drinking water, you give your muscles a chance to loosen-up and therefore release the tense muscles that hold waste.

Prevent Soreness

It is normal to feel a little sore in focused areas after your massage. Hydrating after a massage can help prevent excessive soreness. Do yourself a favor and add an extra glass or two to your normal post-massage amount if you are still feeling super sluggish or ill.

Pre-Massage Water

Pro tip!!!  Drinking water before a massage can help just as much (if not more) and drinking post-massage!  It helps your kidneys to release the toxins as they work their way out of your muscles during your massage and move them out of your system in a healthy, productive manner.

There is nothing like a great massage to get your body retuned for life. Make an appointment with Precision Wellness to feel refreshed and recover health in your muscles, tissues, and throughout your body. Just don’t forget to chug some water before and after!

Can Massage Therapy Help Me?


Generally, people use massage for either general relaxation and wellbeing, or to address a specific complaint, such as pain or limited range of motion. Research suggests massage therapy may contribute to both goals.

Some of the general benefits of massage therapy may include:

  • Physical relaxation
  • Improved circulation, which nourishes cells and improves waste elimination
  • Relief for tight muscles (knots) and other aches and pains
  • Release of nerve compression (carpel tunnel, sciatica)
  • Greater flexibility and range of motion
  • Enhanced energy and vitality
  • Some clinical styles may help heal scar tissue as well as tendon, ligament, and muscle tears

What specific conditions can massage therapy help?

Massage therapy may help the body in many ways.  Massage can relax muscle tissue, which may lead to decreased nerve compression, increased joint space, and range of motion. This may lead to reduced pain and improved function.

Massage therapy may also improve circulation, which enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells and helps remove waste products. These circulatory effects of massage may have value in the treatment of some inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis or edema (an excessive accumulation of fluid in body tissues, which may be reduced using manual lymph drainage).

Massage therapy is also thought to induce a relaxation response, which lowers the heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure; boosts the immune system, and generally decreases the physical effects of stress.

These effects suggest that massage may be helpful for a wide range of conditions.  Some of these are listed below.

Decreases pain and increases functioning in these conditions:Helps treat and manage symptoms or complications of:Other psychological,  emotional, and physical benefits:
Carpal tunnel
Tension headaches
Tendon and muscle tears
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Varicose veins
Pregnancy-related back pain and other discomforts
Myofascial pain
Sore or overused muscles (prevents and treats)
Muscle injury (offers rehabilitation)
Rheumatoid arthritis
Muscular dystrophies
Raynaud’s Disease
Hypertension and congestive heart failure
Reduces risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes autoimmune diseases
Improved mood
Reduced anxiety
Lower stress levels
Lessening of depression
Reduced anger and aggression
Improved sleep patterns and decreased sleep disturbance
Reduced fatigue
Enhances immune system
Improves athletic performance and enhances recovery

Why you should choose a Custom Facial

A custom facial session is designed specifically for your skin type – utilizing a variety of products and techniques based on your therapist’s knowledge. Your esthetician may integrate holistic and skin-soothing techniques and/or the clinical application of products. Depending on your goals, your facial can assist with advanced exfoliation, hydration, acne treatment, and inflammation reduction.

A basic facial is the same for everyone. It’s a great way to hydrate and calm your skin, but it doesn’t offer much more than that. If you want customized service from an esthetician who knows about all of your needs (whether medical or aesthetic), then book a custom facial because the esthetician will be able to guide you to your skins specific needs, and offer you advise on what products to use at home.

Facials are more than cleansers and masks, they also include facial massage. It’s more than just for relaxation – it’s anti-aging, relieves sinus pressure, and helps with blood flow which leads to that beautiful glowing skin! With a custom facial, this massage can be more targeted to your specific needs. Our therapists can even give you tips on how to perform your own facial massage at home!

Add On Services Offered:

The benefit of getting custom skin care treatments is that these are often added-on in sessions for unique needs.  Some of these may be offered in conjunction with your custom facial while others may be available as a separate service:

  • Dermaplaning: This treatment is the best way to remove peach fuzz and dead skin from your face. Learn more here.
  • Microneedling: Microneedling is a form of dermal needling that involves puncturing the top layer of skin with tiny needles. The goal of the treatment is to create tiny channels in your skin that can help stimulate collagen production and improve the overall appearance. Learn more here.
  • Facial Reflexology: Using facial reflexology techniques stimulates both physical and emotional wellbeing by calming the nervous system promoting feelings of relaxation, decreasing stress levels, and infusing a sense of empowerment while encouraging freedom from negative thoughts. Learn more here.

Looking to get a custom facial in Springfield Missouri? Book Online Today!!

Relaxation vs Deep Tissue Massage

Differences Between Relaxation + Deep Tissue Massage

With so many different types of massage out there, it can be difficult to choose which therapy is right for you.  Some days you may want to unwind and relax while others you need targeted relief from tension and stiffness after a particularly stressful week. To help you choose which therapy is most suitable for your needs, here is a look at two of the most popular therapies:  Deep Tissue and Relaxation Massage.

What’s the difference between a relaxation massage and a deep tissue massage? The short answer is pressure.

Relaxation massage is a soothing massage that’s gentle enough to lull you to sleep.

Do you crave that good-pain feeling that really works out the kinks?  If you’re a fan of firmer pressure from the elbows and knuckles, a Deep Tissues massage would be great for you.

There is no set guideline for great massages.  Your therapist will use differing pressures and parts of their hands and arms depending on the area of focus.  If you are an office working, your neck may be stiff from long days at the desk.  For construction workers, your shoulders may harbor a lot of tension from a labor-intensive day.  Tell your massage therapist what is ailing you and they will work some magic!

Tell us what you want

Clear communication about what you want and don’t want is very important!  Therapist may have magic hands, but they are not mind readers. If your therapist is doing something that feels great, let them know so they can do more of it! Just as importantly, if there is a technique, pressure, or area of focus that you are not enjoying, make sure you communicate that early on so they can adjust accordingly.  Simply, clear communication results in you enjoying your massage experience from start to finish.

Deeper benefits

Deep Tissue Massage – This is a full-body massage that generally uses a bit more pressure. Your therapist can target more trigger points and aim to get those knots worked out while still making you feel like they have covered the entire body.

“Deep Tissue” implies a specific focus on dense layers of muscle and fascia, it does not always mean deep pressure – “deep” can also refer to the impact of the massage on your body as a restorative therapy.

With numerous benefits, and not just limited to pain reduction, consistent Deep Tissue massages can help break down scar tissue and “knots” and promote long-term muscle rehabilitation.

Some of the conditions that could benefit from a Deep Tissue massage include:

  • Lower back and neck pain
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Sciatica
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic pain
  • Limited mobility
  • Injuries and muscle tension
  • Post-workout fatigue

Deep Tissue may also aid in lowering high blood pressure and cortisol levels, reducing stress and anxiety.  If you are seeking relief from any of these things, book your next Deep Tissue massage online instantly!

Time to relax

Relaxation – the main goal of this massage is to fully relax. Therapists will typically use long soft strokes directed towards the heart to improve circulation and may target a few trigger points if you want that.

You can also enjoy an improvement in skin tone and appearance due to improved blood circulation. Some people have reported an increase in flexibility post-massage.

While reducing physical and emotional stress, a Relaxation Massage may also temporarily lower blood pressure and help manage stress-related affiliations. This massage also stimulates the release of positive brain chemicals that promote a feeling of well-being.

The ultimate goal for our massage therapists at Precision Wellness is to provide you with the most enjoyable massage experience possible.  They will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed, whether that be through a Relaxation massage or a Deep Tissue massage. Book online today!

Tips for Healthy Winter Skin

Winter is coming and before you know it the cold weather will be here. During this time of year, many people begin to feel run down, tired, depressed, and to top it off they have dry skin! If your skin becomes too dry it can lead to flaky, red patches that are not only uncomfortable but embarrassing as well. Thankfully there are a few tips that you can follow in order to help prevent such symptoms from occurring during these colder months…

1. Stay hydrated – drinking enough water is vital for healthy looking skin, it keeps the cells plump and full of moisture which in turn reduces fine lines and wrinkles

2. Load up on fruit & veg – eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will ensure that your body gets all the nutrients it needs to fight off colds, coughs & flus over the winter months

3. Modify Facial Skin-Care Regiment – During the winter months, choose cream-based cleansers, and apply toners and astringents sparingly, if at all. Use a natural face scrub or exfoliator once or twice a week throughout this time

4. Moisturize frequently – Keep your hands well moisturized during this time too! Applying a hand cream after each washing can help, also wearing waterproof gloves when washing dishes or cleaning around the house.

5. Lower the thermostat – When it is chilly outside, the first thing most of us want to do is crank up the heat.  But central heat can make the air in your house even more dry.  Try setting the thermostat at a cool yet comfortable setting (68-72 F) to maintain healthy skin.

6. Limit shower time and temperature – It can be tempting to take a long, steamy shower, but your skin will be much better served with a 5-to-10-minute lukewarm shower (or bath)

7. Invest in a Humidifier – Using a humidifier in your home or office will add moisture to dry winter air and help keep skin hydrated.

8.  Fragrance-Free cleansers – The wrong soap can worsen itchy, dry skin.  For instance, regular bar soaps may contain irritating ingredients and fragrances.  Instead wash with a fragrance-free, moisturizing cleanser or gel.

9. Sunscreen – It’s not just for summer months! On bright winter days, snow reflects the sun’s rays – up to 80%, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.  That means whether you are out on the slopes, playing in the snow, or just walking through a parking lot on an errand run, it is just as important to be applying sunscreen in the harsh winter months.

 Give your skin what it needs – Winter air has a way of drying out skin, leaving it raw and red.  Even with at-home moisturizers, your skin can still look and feel dry.  Facials offer professional skincare, which penetrates into the layers of your skin, allowing your face to calm down redness and irritation and regain its healthy summer glow.

7 reasons we recommend winter facials:

  • Deep hydration
  • Professional grade exfoliation
  • Increased circulation
  • Vitamin and antioxidant infusion
  • Cleaned out pores and blackheads
  • Expert insight
  • Relaxation

So, whether you are traveling to someplace cold this winter or sticking around the Midwest, we wish you beautiful, hydrated skin all winter long. To schedule your facials or other appointment, book online today!

What is Thai Massage

Massage has many health benefits. It can reduce stress, tension, heart rate, blood pressure, sore muscles, and joint pain. Massage can also increase endorphins, bloody circulation, and immune functions.

Thai massage is a type of deep tissue, full-body massage. It uses many yoga-like postures to stretch the entire body and help heal injuries. Your therapist will use their palms and fingers and even their feet to apply firm pressure to your body. You will also be stretched and twisted into various positions – it’s the lazy man’s yoga!

After a Thai massage, you will feel relaxed and rejuvenated. You can expect to have decreased stress levels from head to toe along with increased flexibility in the muscles of your back, legs, and arms. Thai massage is also low impact so it’s good for all ages and activity levels including pregnant women or someone who recently had surgery/injury.

It is normal to feel sore after a massage. The Thai technique carries blood and nutrients to your muscles while eliminating toxins. After stimulating muscles that you may not usually use, you might experience delayed onset muscles soreness. Drink lots of water after your session to flush those toxins and help with soreness.

Thai massages work best when combined with other treatments such as acupuncture, cupping, etc. We have many tools to help you get rid of stress and aches quickly!

Here are a few benefits to Thai massage:

  • Relieves headaches: if you have migraines or experience headaches, traditional Thai massage may help ease your symptoms.
  • Reduces back pain: Thai massage may be an effective, nonpharmaceutical means of reducing back pain that includes joint mobilization, hot packs, and manual stretching to painful areas.
  • Relieves joint stiffness and pain: Thai massage may improve your joint function if you experience pain and stiffness when you move.
  • Increase flexibility and rang of motion: If your range of motion and flexibility are affecting your athletic performance or making it hard to get around, Thai massage may help you move more easily.
  • Eases anxiety: One of the most energetic than other forms of massage therapy, it has been shown to lower anxiety and increase a systemic feeling of calm.
  • Revives energy: Thai massage incorporates whole body movements, many of which are yoga-like. For that reason, many people report that they leave Thai massage sessions feeling not only relaxed but also rejuvenated.

What to expect:

With Thai massage, you can wear your own loose-fitting clothes (we also suggest gym/yoga clothing). You lie on a mat on the floor and your practitioner will slowly move your body through multiple stretches, using the weight and pressure of their own body to assist you. If your muscles are sore or tense, you may feel some discomfort. If you do, let your practitioner know so the pressure and stretching can be reduced.

Ready to try a Thai Massage? Book online today!

Microneedling Need-To Knows

Microneedling in Springfield, Missouri, is performed as a gloved esthitician places a microneedlin pen against a patient's cheek.

Prepare For Your Microneedling Appointment + Leearn Microneedling Aftercare

Learn more about what to do before and after your microneedling appointment in Springfield, Missouri, at Precision Wellness! Taking optimal care of your skin before and after your treatment can help ensure the best results possible, meaning firm, smooth, and glowing skin in no time. Read more for microneedling tips and answers to your commonly asked microneedling questions!

What To Do Before Your Microneedling Appointment

  • If you are concerned about skin irritation during microneedling, stop using topical products a few days before your appointment.
  • Wait until it a tan fades before microneedling since tanning makes your skin more sensitive to injury and possible infection.

What To Do After Your Microneedling Appointment

  • Slather on a broad-spectrum, chemical-free sunscreen with at least SPF 30 during the weeks following your treatment (and, let’s be honest, always!).
  • Hydrate your skin! Apply a mild hydrating serum and use a mild cleanser.

What Not To Do After Microneedling

  • Avoid sun exposure like the plague during treatment, as it increases the risk of scarring. The needles make tiny puncture wounds in the dermis, creating an open wound that needs protection from sunlight.
  • On the day of your appointment, do not wash the skin, expose to high heat, or sweat too much (that means no sun, no gym, no hot yoga).
  • Avoid putting on makeup for the rest of the day, but if you have prior commitments, it is totally safe to wear later in the night.
  • Avoid retinol and acids, such as glycolic and salicylic. These ingredients will be too strong right after microneeding is done.
  • Avoid exfoliating scrubs in the days immediately following treatment.


Therapeutic Massage, Esthetics and Yoga

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