What is a Body Treatment?

body treatmaent box with towels stones oils

If you’ve had a facial at Precision Wellness before, then you already know the basics of a body treatment! Whereas facials (obviously) take place on your face, a body treatment takes some of the same practices and applies them to your body. 

While the face tends to get a lot of attention in terms of care, your body can easily get overlooked. The combination of massage, scrub, and a detoxifying treatments allows your skin (everywhere) to get the attention it deserves. 

Our body treatments include an exfoliating step along with a self-warming hydrating serum. From there, your body is wrapped in layers of warming sheets to encourage your pores to open up (and soak in the benefits of the serum!). An additional lotion is included in the treatment after the sheets are taken off. 

An extra that can be added to your body treatment is a full body exfoliation treatment that also includes an anti-cellulite aromatherapy blend – the best combo you can ask for!

Doing a body treatment stimulates your metabolic system, speeding its ability to carry away waste products and rejuvenates your skin back to being velvety and smooth. There are  plenty of benefits to doing such a treatment: 

  • Decrease Cellulite
  • Prevent Wrinkles
  • Remove Toxins
  • Freshen Skin
  • & lots more! 

Before and after getting a body treatment, we always recommend drinking plenty of water to avoid getting dehydrated from the treatment. If you are pregnant, please ask your doctor if a body treatment is safe for you. 

As always, let us know if you have any questions about a body treatment before you book an appointment – we’d love to hear from you! 

What Is TMJ Massage?


TMJ Massage Helps Reduce Jaw Pain

The jaw or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is vulnerable to joint disorders. Disorders of the jaw are typically referred to by the same name: TMJ or TMJD.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the mandible to the skull’s temporal bone and allows the movements of biting, chewing, swallowing, speaking, and making facial expressions.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD) can cause tooth pain and headaches, or painful popping in the jaw. Pain is the most common TMJD symptom. The pain is often described as a transient, dull ache in the jaw joint and nearby areas, including the ear.

Some clients may not have pain but may find it difficult to move their jaw. Sometimes clients mistake TMJD symptoms for tooth pain, or they may experience headaches or grind their teeth.

A TMJ treatment can help relieve all of these symptoms.

How Can TMJ Treatment Help?

Surprisingly, difficulty relaxing is a common cause of jaw dysfunction. Holding the tension, especially in the jaw, is a common response to stress. Emotional tension can easily manifest as TMJ pain.

TMJ treatment is an ideal massage technique to relieve the pain of TMJD. Our massage therapy is focused on the reduction of tension in the mastication muscles, releasing tension in the fascia of the face and mouth, and eliminating any trigger points.

TMJ Treatment vs Traditional Massage

Our TMJ Treatment is a massage therapy treatment of just the mouth, jaws, head, and sometimes neck to relieve TMJD. Applying pressure to trigger points in the jaw muscles can help relieve spasms and pain.

We use isometric contraction to gently stretch tensed muscle fibers and might use minimal resistance to further stretch the tissue. We follow the treatment with some relaxation techniques to enhance the relief of the targeted muscle.

This massage technique can restore the range of motion that typically regresses with TMJD.

What to Expect from a TMJ Massage at Precision Wellness

While treating TMJ, your massage therapist will focus treatment on the reduction of tension in the masticatory (chewing) muscles, eliminating trigger points—the painful “knots” felt in the muscle that refers to pain elsewhere—and releasing tension in the fascia tissue around the jaw area.

Fascia is the tough, dense connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, nerve, bone, blood vessel, and organ of the body.

Some of the common massages that your massage therapist will use when treating TMJ include:

  • Swedish Massage
    • While this is the most common and well-known massage, it has a number of benefits; a primary one being that of relaxation. Our massage therapists are experts in providing relaxation through a full-body Swedish massage that can have a huge impact on reducing jaw tension, as stress contributes greatly to TMJ disorders.
  • Neuromuscular Therapy
    • This technique involves our therapists applying pressure to trigger points in the jaw muscles to help relieve tension and return muscles to a relaxed state.

What Is Energy Work?


Before we get into how energy work is practiced, we first have to explain what energy is. Energy, in this sense, is the life force that binds everything in our universe – it is what balances our physical and spiritual bodies. Often, people experience imbalances in this energy that manifests itself in many other ways to a person.

Within the body, our energies are held in a balance in different centers (but always flowing continuously). These areas are called our chakras and can easily become unbalanced due to physical or emotional trauma.

The root chakra (Muladhara) deals with our basic needs: safety and survival. It’s closely associated with the color red and the element of earth.

The sacral chakra (Svadhistana) deals with sexuality and pleasure. It’s closely associated with the color orange and the element of water.

The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) deals with control and personal power. It’s closely associated with the color yellow and the element of fire.

The heart chakra (Anahata) deals with love, relationships, and compassion. It’s closely associated with the color green and the element of air.

The throat chakra (Vishuddha) deals with communication and speaking our truth. It’s closely associated with the color blue.

The third eye chakra (Ajna) deals with our intuition and guidance. It’s closely related to the color indigo.

The crown chakra (Sahasrara) deals with our spiritual connection. It’s closely related to the color violet.

Energy work is commonly used to return someone’s energies back into balance. This can be worked through many ways – mindful breathing, yoga, meditation, crystal use, smudging, and more.

Often, people will encourage the use of multiple energy practices at one time. For example, practicing mindful breathwork, yoga, and meditation at the same time can promote balance, posture, and mental clarity!

Healers are able to teach you which practices will work best for you, so we encourage you to be completely honest with them! Sephirah Starsong is our resident Energy Practitioner and works with many of our clients to bring balance back into their lives.

Skin Care and Preparing for Winter

winter woman scarf and hat

With all the anticipation of Fall approaching, many people look past the fact that winter is right behind it! Rigid wind and temperatures tend to suck the natural oils out of your skin, leaving you cracked and dry for the season. Dehydration can not only leave you feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, but it can lead to flaking, cracking, and dullness. There are a few skin care routines that can help you stay ahead of this dry season – the only require is a small amount of extra attention and time to prepare!

The easiest step, but most overlooked is to KEEP IT COOLED DOWN!

Long, hot showers or baths is the quickest way to dry your skin out! Although it can feel nice to jump in that steaming hot bathtub whenever it is below freezing outside- try to limit yourself. A hot shower or bath once or twice a week can fulfill your steaming hot needs, but also leaves 5 or 6 days out of the week for a normal, healthy temperature.

Another method to preventing dry skin is to MOISTURIZE!

Using moisturizer is a good habit for everyday use, but you must take it the extra mile for winter! If your regular moisturizer does not seem to be getting the job done, try switching to a thicker formula that might work better. If you are confused about what formula is best for your skin, some key words to look for are “hydrating,” “healing,” “hyaluronic acid” and “antioxidants”.

Keeping that summer glow throughout winter is possible with exfoliating!

Exfoliation is good for the face and body! Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, moisturizes, polishes the skin and can prevent breakouts! Exfoliating can help clear our pores and prep for our beauty products. You should do this 1-3 times per week, either in the shower or at the sink, wherever is most convenient!

Something you shouldn’t forget to do is protect your lips!

This can be as easy as applying lip balm before bed, when you wake up, after you brush your teeth or after eating. Any activity that can remove the previous layer, you should reapply after. A good idea is to use a thicker, healing formula when ending the day that way it can work its magic overnight, without interruptions.

Sometimes you can follow all the steps and still have irritated skin in the winter. This is most likely from overloading your skin!

Overloading can tend to overwhelm and stress out your skin. It is best to not add a ton of new products at once. Overhauling your skin care products can clog up your pores, dry out your skin and cause breakouts. You should try to space out the new products and make sure you are not using a ton of products on the same area at once.

Schedule on of our services!

Scheduling a service such as a facial or body treatment can help your skin get the intensive and expert care that is requires. Skin analysis and personal consultations will be used to discuss the needs of your skin and the troubles you are facing this winter. It will be tailored to your skin traits and create a one-of-a-kind rejuvenation of you.

You may be using moisturizers daily or keeping up with your skin care routine and wondering what a facial can do differently for you? Facials strategically remove the outer layer of your skin to allow moisturizers and creams to penetrate the skin better and become more effective!

Our Precision Wellness Estheticians are experienced and bring a wealth of knowledge and passion along with every service! Call today to set up your consultation at (417) 886-1131.

Postpartum Massage


While we have already explained the benefits massage can have on pregnant women, it’s worth noting the importance of massage after having a baby as well. Carrying a child can be one of the most altering life events a woman will ever go through – especially physically.

Along with going through a large number of bodily changes in the past 9 months, a new mother also has a lot more responsibility and stress after her baby is born. That’s a lot of pressure on someone!

Massages are a key element in postpartum recovery because:

They’re great for relieving stress and anxiety.

What better what to relax than to get a massage? Massages are able to relax the otherwise high-strung muscles that were used heavily during pregnancy and labor, smoothing out knotted areas of the body. Don’t be afraid to truly pamper yourself during this session either – you just brought a baby into this world! – so why not add in an extra relaxing facial?

They help to balance out hormones.

Many women struggle with depression and hormone imbalances postpartum. Luckily, massages help to balance out hormones by the release of chemicals during the massage (especially when essential oils are used).

Massages can decrease pain.

For a long time, people have received massages to help with their chronic pain. A lot of people don’t know that the underlying cause of a hurting part of the body is usually caused by an entirely different area – but your massage therapist will be able to help pinpoint your troubles!

They can also improve sleep.

It’s no surprise that many new mothers are severely sleep-deprived. Speedy recovery is linked with getting good sleep, so it’s crucial that you make time for yourself. Let your mother-in-law watch the baby for an hour or two while you take time to rest and relax with a massage and take a nap afterward!

As soon as you feel comfortable enough to receive a massage, make an appointment! If you’re not sure your body is quite ready or have questions, always check with your doctor to ensure a postpartum massage is the right move for you.

Herbal Oil Facial Benefits


Everyone needs a facial occasionally! Whether that be to reduce stress, cleanse your skin, prevent aging, promote blood circulation, rejuvenate and detoxify your skin, or treat acne. What most people are missing though, is individualized skincare! What if you could find a facial that was infused with a blend of all custom aromatherapy, herbal oil, mask, and fruit enzymes?! Well, stop searching, because Precision Wellness has exactly that!

Let’s begin by discussing what Herbal Oil is and how it can be beneficial to you! Cannabidiol (aka Herbal Oil) is naturally occurring and is found in the cannabis Sativa hemp plant. Herbal oils made from hemp contain non-psychoactive cannabidiol. Non-psychoactive means that it does not produce a euphoric or psychotropic effect when used. Hemp products like herbal oil are completely legal and available across the United States!

Herbal oil has been found to be a more natural alternative to prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs for things like stiffness, chronic pain, epilepsy, fighting cancer, acne, and Alzheimer’s Disease! Herbal oil has slowly been breaking into the health and beauty industries. With that being said, herbal oil is not a cure-all potion – but it can leave a therapeutic, relaxing effect on people and truly impact your body in a positive way!

The benefits of herbal oil might surprise you!

  • If you are suffering from injury, overworked muscles, or chronic pain herbal oil-infused facials may provide pain relief!
  • The addition of herbal oil has been shown to reduce inflammation of the muscles and joints by recruiting more immune cells to the area and telling the overactive immune cells to stop overworking.
  • Herbal oil can decrease muscle spasms and help muscles relax!
  • Herbal oil also promotes a sense of calmness and relaxation!
  • Herbal oil oil also has antioxidant properties! What does this mean? It works against aging skin, such as wrinkles and dullness!

So, now you know the benefits of herbal oil. How would you like to book an individualized facial, tailored exactly to your skin type? That’s right, Individualized! Our facials are designed for your exact complexion; customized from start to finish. We create an aromatherapy blend that is perfect for your skin. Beginning with a thorough cleansing and skin analysis, which is followed by extraction of blackheads or whiteheads if required. Then, a custom mask and gentle fruit enzyme peel are applied to remove any dead skin and reveal the bright new skin underneath! Our CBD Oil Infused Facials also include a relaxing scalp, face, neck, and shoulder massage.

Talk with Precision Wellness today about your customized Herbal Oil-Infused Facial!

Microdermabrasion vs Dermaplaning

microdermabrasion dermaplaning women fingers near face

Microdermabrasion and dermaplaning…. Both words that sound a little scary, especially if you haven’t had either of them done before. However, these two treatments are great ways to rejuvenate skin and get rid of dead skin cells (not to mention how much more popular they’ve become in recent years!). Here’s what you need to know about them:


This is done by exfoliating your skin to remove the dead skin cells and works to smooth fine lines, wrinkles, pore size, and sun damage with a diamond tip wand. It’s a little hand held device that gently sands that top layer of skin. This is a non invasive technique that is a great alternative to chemical peels!

We recommend getting a microdermabrasion treatment done in a series (anywhere from 4 to 6 treatments) to ensure you get the best results. From there, it’s up to you how often you’d like to receive the treatment, although you should keep in mind that your skin generally sheds and regenerates every month!


Dermaplaning is a favorite among our clients because it gets rid of the face’s peach fuzz and old, dry skin to reveal perfectly smooth and glowing skin underneath. This treatment includes the use of a surgical scalpel to carefully remove the top layer of dead skin, allowing greater penetration of beauty products and easier makeup application!

Here at Precision Wellness, we also offer the option to add a Glycolic peel to a dermaplaning session to improve the production of collagen and leave a youthful, beautiful glow. We typically recommend getting a dermaplaning treatment every three to four weeks.

Both of these treatments should be done by a trained esthetician to ensure your skin is treated flawlessly. Because each person’s skin is different, we always encourage you to speak up about your concerns or previous experiences with skin treatments!

To book your microdermabrasion or dermaplaning treatment, call us at 417-886-1131 today!

What Are The Differences Between a Brazilian Wax and a Bikini Wax?

jar of wax with wooden applicators and flowers

Bikini Waxes Vs. Brazilian Waxes

Simply shaving your pubic hair can leave the hair longer than you’d like – not to mention the high possibility of razor burn. Waxing is a much smoother alternative, and results last for weeks!

So, what’s the difference between a bikini wax and a Brazilian? A bikini wax is typically where the hair along the bikini line is removed (that way you can’t see any hair when you’re in your swimsuit). For the most part, this is a fairly quick process and is a common choice. A Brazilian wax removes all the hair in your pubic region, often only leaving a strip of hair in the front or nothing at all. This includes the full bikini wax, plus removing all the hair on the front, back, sides, and middle of your private parts. For those that like the feel of being completely hair-free, Brazilian waxes are a great option. Most of the time, you can leave your underwear on during a standard bikini wax, but for a Brazilian, you’ll be sans panties.

Are Brazilian Waxes Better Than Bikini Waxes?

Regardless of the option you choose, waxes help to remove the full follicle of hair to keep it from growing back for longer periods of time. There is no “better” option between a bikini wax or a brazilian, it all depends on your wants and paint tolerance! A Brazilian/bikini wax is not the most pleasant thing to experience compared to the discomfort of bikini waxes, although it does get less painful the more often you get it done, and your results are more noticeable. It’s important to use an experienced professional to get these waxes done, as this area can be very sensitive.

Why Do People Get Brazilian Waxes?

Some reasons for having a Brazilian wax include cleanliness, convenience and, of course, sexiness. When you sit at the beach or pool in your bathing suit, you feel so good, so comfortable because you don’t have to worry about hair peeking out.

Book online or call us at (417) 886-1131 to schedule a waxing appointment.

What is Neuromuscular Therapy Massage?


Neuromuscular massage is a specific deep tissue massage that utilizes friction and pressure to work out muscle strains. These areas are referred to as “trigger points,” and cause pain for a lot of people. Neuromuscular massages should be given by trained professionals that have had experience in this work.

This type of massage has a lot of benefits – typically, neuromuscular therapy massage helps with compressed nerves, muscle spasms, and poor blood flow. For many people, this massage will be painful at first as the muscles are worked on, but no one should feel an overwhelming amount of pain. Clients should always feel comfortable with communicating to their massage therapist how the pressure feels on them in order to get the most out of their massage.

Using slow, pressured strokes, massage therapists can penetrate the deeper layers of tissue to find the actual issues – the soft tissues, the muscles and ligaments, and the nervous system. When telling your massage therapist about how a certain area of your body that you experience pain, don’t be surprised if they don’t work that area very much. Often, there are specific points on other parts of the body that are the root of the pain that they must work on in order to smooth out the muscles. For example, for people complaining about back pain, a massage therapist might work on the upper glutes to release tension tying into the back.

Many people will feel sore after this massage the next day because of the amount of lactic acid that is released during the massage. Your massage therapist will probably recommend that you try a different movement during the day to lessen the amount of muscle pain you experience (like sitting straighter in chairs to lessen the strain on back muscles, etc).

Here at Precision Wellness, we have multiple massage therapists trained on how to perform neuromuscular massages. We would love to see how we can lessen your muscle pain with this type of massage – book online today!

Dermaplaning vs. Full Face Waxing and Shaving

woman in robe with towel on head touching her face and smiling

Everyone likes having smooth skin, and for many people, their faces are no exception. To get rid of the peach fuzz (also called Vellus hair) on your face, there are some options.

Dermaplaning is a treatment that should only be provided by a licensed professional. During this process, the skin is pulled taut on the face while a surgical blade is used to closely cut the fine hair and dead skin. Unlike other methods, using this treatment allows the hair to grow back softer and is a better exfoliant. Learn more about dermaplaning.

While waxing is a common option people utilize, there are a few things to keep in mind. We always recommend using a test spot before waxing the entire face to ensure your skin isn’t sensitive to the wax being used. Once again, you should use a professional for waxing to ensure the process is done smoothly and doesn’t leave behind scarring.

Another option is to shave the hair off of your face. People typically do this at home and must do this method more often as the hair tends to grow back quicker than the other options. Shaving tends to blunt the hair so that it doesn’t act as well as an exfoliant and could potentially lead to ingrown hairs or razor burn. This option does not offer the same exfoliation as the other two methods.

Everyone’s skin is different, and we encourage you to find the method that works with your routine the best. If you have low pain tolerance, you should look into dermaplaning or shaving options, as waxing can be painful.

If you’re not sure where to start with getting rid of the hair on your face, we’d love to talk to you! Our licensed estheticians can help guide you through the process of dermaplaning and waxing, and explain the best option for your hair and skin.


Therapeutic Massage, Esthetics and Yoga

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