Healthy Foods For Healthy Skin


How Water Benefits Your Skin

Drinking water is one of the best things you can do to keep your skin in shape. It keeps your skin moist — and that makes fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable. It also helps your cells take in nutrients and get rid of toxins. And it helps with blood flow, keeping your skin glowing. The common advice is to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but you may not need exactly that many. The water in fruits, veggies, juice, and milk counts toward your total.

Antioxidants for Healthy Cells

Antioxidants are important to slowing and preventing free-radical damage. You can find them in all kinds of foods, especially colorful fruits and vegetables like berries, tomatoes, apricots, beets, squash, spinach, sweet potatoes, tangerines, peppers, and beans.

Vitamin C: Power Over the Sun

The sun can be tough on your skin. Vitamin C can help protect you. It also helps undo sun damage to collagen and elastin, which firm up your skin. Get vitamin C from red bell peppers, citrus fruits, papayas, kiwis, broccoli, greens, and brussels sprouts.

Get Some Healthy Fats

Omega-3s and omega-6s are good fats that help make your skin’s natural oil barrier, keeping away dryness and blemishes. Essential fatty acids like these help leave your skin smoother and younger-looking. You can get them from olive and canola oils, flaxseeds, walnuts, and cold-water fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel.

Antioxidant Powerhouse in a Cup

Green tea may be the closest thing to a magic potion that you can find for your skin. It helps stop inflammation, helps slow DNA damage, and can even help prevent the sun from burning your skin. You can find green tea in lots of cosmetics, but why not go straight to the source: Drink it!

7 Things Your Body Hair Says About You


It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her hair. But when body hair changes without our permission? Then it’s our imperative to check it out. Because hair is a signifier—its presence, its gain, or its loss—hair is always trying to tell us something. Here’s what your hair can reveal about you:

1. Your genetic inheritance


(Photo by: Getty Images)

The amount of hair that blankets your body can depend on your ethnicity. The fine hairs that cover the body are called vellus (from the Latin word for “fleece”). Long, coarse, pigmented hairs that are larger in diameter are called terminal hairs and are found in eyebrows and eyelashes, on the scalp and chin, under your arms, and in your pubic area.

“There’s a spectrum of what’s normal with each ethnicity, of course, but different ethnicities have differing amounts of terminal hair,” says Margaret E. Wierman, MD, professor of medicine at the University of Colorado Medical Center in Denver and chief of endocrinology at the Denver Veterans Administration Medical Center. “The ethnicity with the least amount of terminal hair is Asian, whereas people of Hispanic and Middle Eastern descent typically have the most. Other ethnicities fall somewhere in between. So what’s normal, hair-wise, for you might not be normal for someone of a different ethnic background.”

2. You could have an autoimmune problem

It’s rare, but the immune system can turn on your hair follicles. The result can be losing your hair in odd, circular patches (called alopecia areata); losing all your hair on your scalp (alopecia totalis); or losing all your hair on your head and body, including your eyebrows and eyelashes (alopecia universalis). These conditions are typically treated with systemic steroids, and the hair can grow back—though the cure doesn’t always last.

3. Your hormones are out of balance


(Photo by: Getty Images)

A sudden increase in hair growth or loss in women is often caused by an imbalance of male hormones, which are naturally present in both men and women in differing amounts. If you get an increase in testosterone, for example, excess hair can be the result. “It’s called hirsutism—a condition of unwanted male-pattern hair growth in women,” says Wierman. “The ‘male-pattern’ part of the diagnosis means hair above the belly button, on the upper chest, or on the upper back. More than eight hairs around a single nipple is considered abnormal in women and would meet the definition of hirsuitism.”

Much like male-pattern excess hair, male pattern baldness in women is also a sign of shifting male hormone levels. When estrogen levels decline during menopause and, as a consequence, testosterone rises, many women find that the hair on their heads thins while their facial hair becomes coarser. You might even find an errant hair on your chin. “Initially horrifying, yes,” says Wierman, “but all perfectly normal.”

4. Your ovaries may need checking

“If hirsutism is accompanied by irregular periods, it’s most likely a systemic problem,” says Wierman. The most common cause is polycystic ovary syndrome, which is characterized by enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid, called follicles. The second most likely cause is obesity, which can also accompany polycystic ovary syndrome.

5. You might have a tumor

If hirsutism comes on very suddenly and dramatically—”Say, over a period of six months,“ says Wierman—and your testosterone levels and DHEAS levels (a blood test will reveal both) are very high, you may have a tumor that is releasing male hormones and changing the hormone profile in your body to such as extent that you’re growing hair and fast. “In these cases, we look for a tumor of the adrenal gland or ovary—both are possibilities,” she says. “It’s not common, but it’s something your doctor will check out.”

6. You might be iron deficient or have an underactive thyroid


(Photo by: Getty Images)

Everyone has a hair cycle. Some people tend to naturally shed hair in the spring and fall; others in the summer and winter. But diffuse hair loss—noticeable hair loss on your body and your head can indicate an iron deficiency or an underactive thyroid. Vegetarians and women with heavy periods can experiences this type of hair loss. Thyroid related loss has specific symptoms, says Wierman: “If you find that you’re losing the outside third of your eyebrows—and you’re developing ridges in your nails, you probably have autoimmune thyroid disease,” she says. “Go in for a blood test to have your TSH—or, thyroid-stimulating hormone—levels checked.”   A sudden change in your estrogen levels—after pregnancy or stopping birth control pills, for example—can also lead to temporary hair shedding.

7. Your bad habits

Some drugs leave detectable traces in your hair for years—even a century. Trace amounts of morphine were found in a lock of hair that had been snipped from celebrated English poet John Keats’ head 165 years after his death. The ode master had relied on morphine for pain relief while he was dying of tuberculosis.

By Megan Othersen Gorman

Benefits of Sports Massage


The sports massage actually came from the Swedish massage technique. Geared specifically to the athlete, this massage focuses on muscles that have seen a large degree of stress and use, often to the point of overuse. Normally, these are muscles that have seen repetitive and aggressive movement as a part of the overall sport or competition.

Sports massage is now recognized by many in the training industry as an accepted component of an overall regimen of training and competition. This means the athlete can enhance pre-competition and reduce the required recovery period, which means a better and more intensive training session after a competition. Flexibility, a necessary component of any athletic completion, is also a part.

Many do not realize it, but sports massage has certain characteristics that make it ideal for athletes. The targeting of the muscle and tendons within the body is key for athletic training. A study in 2010 in America found athletes who had massages before and after strength training saw a definite decrease in soreness after activity.

There are several key elements to sports massage. To better understand each of these, let’s look at them separately.

  • Motion and Flexibility: Professional and superior athletes often overtrain and this leads to muscle rigidity. Sports massage can help relax overly tense muscles and provide additional flexibility. Used before a competition, it will relax the muscles for flexibility, improving performance.
  • Shortens Recovery Time: Exercise and competition is stressful on the body. This will lead to injury if proper precautions are not taken. Sports massages are ideal to help the body deal with this stress and injury prevention. A proper massage increases blood flow and lymph fluid, both assisting in the body’s natural healing process, speeding waste removal and general health improvement. Swelling and inflammation associated with physical activity is also reduced. Scar tissue, normal from a severe injury, can be lessened with massage.
  • Supply of Oxygen and Nutrients: Blood flow into muscles is vital to creating new tissue and increased strength and stamina. Massage increases blood flow for additional oxygen and nutrients.
  • Helps Eliminate By-Products of Exercise: Lactic and uric acids are natural by-products of exercise. Each can be lessened with blood and lymph flow in the body and increase the waste output by a sports massage.
  • Psychological Benefits: There is much to be said about psychology and sports. Many do not realize the value of a massage with sports and how a quality massage has more than just physical benefits. The body is only as strong as the mind, so having a strong mind that is relaxed and focused is a definite edge in highly competitive sports. A stressed athlete is not nearly as capable as one with a clear mind.
  • Reduces Pain: A body in pain is a sign of overworked muscles and is not healthy. Massage increases blood and lymph fluid flow, thereby speeding the injury rehabilitation process. A massage also helps with pain from spasms and cramps, common with elite athletic training.

Staying Fit With Massage Therapy This Summer

summer fit salt scrub on back

The warmer months are a great time to be outdoors and active. Here are three ways massage therapy can help you stay fit—both mentally and physically—this summer.

1. Stay in the game. Whether you’re marathon training or participating in a kickball league, massage can reduce muscle tension, improve exercise performance and prevent injuries.

2. Unwind. Summer is often busy, so take care of your mental health and wellness. Studies show that massage therapy can reduce significantly on physical and psychological levels.

3. Manage aches and pains. Is yard work bringing you down? Massage therapy can reduce lower back pain, ease the symptoms of arthritis and help chronic neck pain.

Dry Skin Brushing Benefits

dry skin brush on towel with essential oils and candles

Many people carefully tend to the skin on their face, regularly exfoliating, cleansing, and moisturizing. But when’s the last time you tended to the skin on the rest of your body?

Your skin is your largest organ, after all, and there is one simple step you can add to your morning routine that can greatly improve your health – dry skin brushing.

I’m not only referring to your skin’s aesthetic appearance, either (although many would agree this is important too). The benefits of dry skin brushing go beyond skin deep, offering whole-body benefits to your health.

Dry Skin Brushing: 7 Key Benefits

Your skin is a complex system made up of nerves, glands, and cell layers that, when healthy, serves as a buffer that helps protect your body from extreme temperatures and chemicals.

It also produces antibacterial substances to protect you from infection and enables your body to produce Vitamin D when exposed to the sun. Your skin even contains densely packed nerve cells that act as messengers to your brain, making your skin a crucial part of your interactions with the world around you.

Another crucial role your skin plays is supporting optimal detoxification. But if your skin is overrun with toxins or dead skin cells, it will not be able to eliminate wastes from your body efficiently.

This is where dry skin brushing can be invaluable, not only in brushing off dead skin cells but also in activating waste removal via your lymph nodes. Beyond this, dry skin brushing offers multiple benefits including:

Stimulate Your Lymphatic System

In your body, your lymphatic system is the system responsible for eliminating cellular waste products. Hundreds of miles of lymphatic tubules allow waste to be collected from your tissues and transported to your blood for elimination, a process referred to as lymphatic drainage.

When your lymphatic system is not working properly, waste and toxins can build up and make you sick. Lymphatic congestion is a major factor leading to inflammation and disease. By stimulating your lymphatic system and helping it release toxins, dry skin brushing is a powerful detoxification aid.


Dry skin brushing removes dead dry skin, improving appearance, clearing your clogged pores, and allowing your skin to “breathe.”

Increase Circulation

When you dry brush your skin, it increases circulation to your skin, which encourages the elimination of metabolic waste.

Reduce Cellulite

Dry skin brushing may help to soften hard fat deposits below the skin while distributing fat deposits more evenly. This may help to diminish the appearance of cellulite.

Dry brushing is also said to help reduce cellulite by removing toxins that may break down connective tissue, although some believe the effect is temporary (and mostly a result of skin become plumper and swollen after brushing).

“When we’d heard dry skin brushing was an effective method for reducing cellulite, we knew we had to include it in our anti-cellulite road test. Sure enough, it was indeed one of the more successful ways to smooth away less-than-perfect spots on your legs.”

Huffington Post

Stress Relief

The act of dry brushing has been described as meditative (especially if you do it in a quiet space) and may reduce muscle tension, calm your mind, and relieve stress. Many compare it to a light whole-body massage.

Improve Digestion and Kidney Function

Dry skin brushing may go even deeper, helping to support your digestion and organ function.

“…many naturopathic doctors use dry brushing to help with bloating because massaging the lymph nodes helps the body shed excess water and toxins. One of the immediate effects of dry brushing is smoother skin, but it can also help improve digestion, kidney function, and more.”

Skincare and Spa Expert

It’s Invigorating

Many people become “addicted” to dry skin brushing (in a good way) because it simply feels so good. Along with glowing and tighter skin, regular dry skin brushers report feeling invigorated after a quick session.

Dry Brushing: How to Do It

First, you’ll need a high-quality dry brush. Look for one with bristles made from natural materials. They should feel stiff but not overly so. Ideally, choose a brush with a long handle so you can reach your entire back and other hard-to-reach spots.

Dry skin brushing should be done daily for best results, or even twice a day if you like. Try incorporating it into your normal daily routine, such as doing your brushing before your morning shower and then again after work (avoid doing it too close to bedtime, as it may leave you feeling energized).

When brushing, always brush toward your heart, which is best for circulation and your lymphatic system. You can brush your entire body (including the soles of your feet). Start at your feet and work your way up to your legs to your arms, chest, back, and stomach. Avoid brushing your face (unless you have a special brush designed for this delicate skin), your genitals, or any areas with irritations or abrasions (including varicose veins).

The pressure you apply while brushing your skin should be firm but not painful (avoid “scrubbing”). Your skin should be pink after a session (not red or irritated) and you can brush for as long (or as little) as you’d like. An average dry brushing session may last between two and 20 minutes.

Try It… You’ll Probably Get Hooked

The investment in dry skin brushing is small – you can find a high-quality brush for under $20 – but the pay-off is large. If you’ve never tried it, you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised.

“I’ve only been at this for about two weeks, but I’ve already experienced many of the benefits listed above. For one thing, dry skin brushing just feels really good. It’s one of those miraculous practices that manages to be both relaxing and energizing all at the same time. For another, it cured my cellulite! …Dry skin brushing also helped heal some ingrown hairs and some innocuous though unsightly bumps on my arms. My skin is softer and no longer dry or flakey. Additionally, though I’m not sure whether or not it’s related to dry skin brushing, I must say that I’ve been sleeping better and experiencing less ‘brain fog’ throughout the day!”

New Skin Brushing Devotee | Examiner

A Surefire Plan for Flawless Skin

Eating a healthy diet as described in my nutrition plan, which focuses on whole, bioavailable organic foods is your number one strategy for helping your body detox naturally while supplying the necessary nutrients your skin needs to thrive. Adding dry brushing on top of a healthful diet will only magnify its benefits. That said, certain foods are particularly effective at promoting beautiful, clear, healthy skin, so if you’re not yet eating the following on a regular basis, now is a great time to start:

Animal-based Omega-3 Fats

Ideally fresh, organic, and locally grown vegetables. Fresh vegetable juice is also wonderful for your skin, as are carotenoids, which give red, orange, and yellow fruits their color, and also occur in green vegetables. Studies have shown that eating foods with these deeply colored pigments can make your face actually look healthier than being tanned

Fermented Vegetables are even better as they can be made with the same vegetables but are converted by bacteria into superfoods. Fermented vegetables help promote the growth of friendly intestinal bacteria and aid in immune balance and digestion.

Astaxanthin—a potent antioxidant—has been found to offer effective protection against sun damage when taken as a daily supplement. Some sunscreens are also starting to use astaxanthin as an ingredient to protect your skin from damage.

Dry Brushing Routine

Once you’ve addressed the dietary suggestions above, the following routine can help you to remove excess flakes to reveal the glowing skin underneath.

  • Use a dry body brush to get rid of flakes, stimulate your lymphatic system, and more as described above (do this for a few minutes on your dry skin, before getting wet)
  • Avoid using soap or use the least amount possible, especially in winter or in dry climates, as this may promote and aggravate dry skin
  • Instead, apply a natural body scrub to exfoliate your skin (also apply this to your skin before getting wet, and choose one that also contains oil to moisturize)
  • After your shower, apply a heavy natural body butter or natural moisturizing oil (not mineral oil or baby oil) to help seal in moisture; coconut oil works well for this purpose

Learn more about our Hydrating Body Treatments.

Waxing For Men


Can Men Get Waxes? Of Course! Learn The Benefits Of Male Waxing

Sometimes, you need to find a way for effective chest and back hair removal — many people choose to wax to accomplish this task. When people hear of waxing they often think of women using this method, but it has become more common for men. Discover the effectiveness of waxing for unwanted hair removal.

The most common areas for men to get waxed are the chest and back. Some men think back hair is unattractive, while some are concerned about their chest hair, such as bodybuilders. Bodybuilders need to be able to show their muscles without all of the chest hair, or hair growing up over their muscly shoulders! Other men get waxed simply because their partner doesn’t like their chest or back hair.

Waxing Makes Chest and Back Hair Removal A Breeze

Most men see waxing as a discreet form of hair removal for their unwanted body hair. It is an easy process that lasts for a few weeks. Although it is not a permanent solution, your hair will not grow for a couple of weeks, a little longer for others after being waxed. The wax is spread over the hair and wax cloth strips are often used to remove the wax. Sometimes the wax is lifted gently with a spatula and then removed, taking the offending hair with it.

Does Waxing hurt?

Some say yes, some say no. The chest and back, even though a large area, it is not as sensitive as some of the other areas of the body, so hopefully, it won’t hurt too much. While some compare it to having a bandage removed, some are afraid to get waxed because of the played-up pain that is involved. Sure it sounds slightly painful, but there are the advantages of being hair-free after.

Another plus when you are getting waxed is hair removal becomes easier over time as the hair follicles become weaker and so eventually getting waxed won’t hurt at all. The first appointment or home waxing may be uncomfortable but it lessens in future waxings. Now the chest will be a little more sensitive than the back, but each time it will become less painful because of the weakening of the hair follicles.

You can visit a beauty salon or hair salon for chest and back hair removal, or you can simply do it in the comfort of your own home. If you are waxing your back, it is recommended that you have an extra pair of hands helping you. The process of waxing is continued until all of the hair in the desired area is removed. After you have been through the hair removal process, you can apply an after waxing moisturizer or lotion to reduce the irritation that may occur due to the waxing.

It is best to wait until the hair is long enough to be removed, as having the new growth appear won’t be as effective. The wax needs to be able to “grab” onto something, so ideally, the hair length needs to be at least a quarter of an inch long. Read more about The Do’s and Dont’s of Waxing to better prepare for your hair removal session.

Book Chest + Back Waxes in Springfield, MO, With Precision Wellness

If you’re seeking an effective, inexpensive, and long-lasting chest and back hair removal option, you might want to consider waxing. We offer quality chest waxes and back waxes near you, whether it’s a quick drive from Nixa, Branson, or Republic, or you’re a local here in Springfield. Enjoy lasting, smooth skin with minimal prep and recovery by booking a wax at Precision Wellness!

Massage and Summertime

Massage therapist's hands and thumbs putting pressure on a person's lower back

Many of us are now eagerly engaged in getting our gardens planted, our yards mowed, and our flower beds cleaned up from our long and very wet winter. We may also be experiencing new aches and pains from muscles and joints that haven’t been utilized in quite this way for many months.  This is a good time to consider massage therapy to keep you going and to keep your muscles, bones, and connective tissue in good working condition.  Here are some of the many benefits massage therapy provides.

  • Relieves stress, pain, pain induced anxiety, and muscle congestion
  • Improves range of motion increasing flexibility and muscle tone
  • Improves sleep patterns
  • Improves metabolic waste removal strengthening immune function
  • Improves alertness
  • Reduces swelling
  • Clears thinking
  • Encourages faster healing time
  • Relieves tension headaches
  • Provides a sense of well-being
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Supports white blood cell proliferation aiding our immune system
  • Reduces depression
  • Relives symptoms of nausea and vomiting for the cancer patient
  • Enhances body image

Equally important as the season changes is to maintain adequate hydration.  Muscles and tissues require lots of fluids as well as good wholesome nutrition to function properly and to avoid spasms and sprains.  When we work or exercise hard our muscles build up lactic acid.  This is normal but often can become lodged within the tissues when spasms or strains occur.  This creates those painful “knots” we often experience that can shorten our range of motion as well.

Massage therapy can release these pockets of lactic acid and return muscles to their optimal best functioning.  If left unattended, lactic acid can become more toxic to the body.  This causes an inflammatory response by the immune system and the pain cycle advances.

A professional massage therapist will apply the right kinds of techniques to muscles and joints to release tightness, cramping, spasms, and knots.  Oftentimes you will only require what I call “regional massage” – working on shoulders, necks, arms, backs, or legs only rather than a whole-body massage.  These shorter sessions are just as effective in providing the benefits of massage, feel great, and are affordable.

Keep yourself going great all summer, consider regional or full body massage to be your optimal best, and complete all your summertime tasks with ease and comfort.

10 Massage Questions You Might Be Embarrassed To Ask

woman holding her hands over her face embarrassed

Am I supposed to tip?

If you get a massage at a spa or hotel, a 15% to 20% tip is standard if you were pleased with the services. On the other hand, there are no real ground rules or norms when it comes to massage in a medical setting. If you’re not sure, don’t be afraid to ask if tipping is customary. You can call ahead to ask if you don’t want to do it face to face. If tipping isn’t the norm, you can always show your appreciation by referring friends, family, and co-workers to the massage therapist.

Am I supposed to take off my underwear?

Many people prefer to keep their panties or briefs on during a massage, while others prefer to be completely nude. It’s up to you. If your problem areas are your lower back, hips, buttocks, or groin, tight-fitting underwear can sometimes get in the way of massage work, but a thong for women or briefs for men should do the trick. In North America, if you do remove your underwear, licensed massage therapists must ensure that you are always properly covered by a sheet or towel. Only the area being massaged will be uncovered.

What if I realize I’ve drooled?

Many people fall into a peaceful slumber during the massage but when they wake up, they notice a pool of drool on the pillow or massage table. This is very common. It often happens when people are being massaged while lying face down on the massage table. Don’t be afraid to ask the massage therapist for a tissue.

Will the massage therapist be there when I undress?

In North America, the massage therapist will leave the room so that you can remove your clothing and lie on the massage table (usually face down) under the top sheet.

Don’t rush or worry that the massage therapist will walk in on you — the massage therapist knocks and asks if you are ready before entering the massage room.

Should I talk during the massage?

Although some people prefer to talk throughout the massage, don’t feel like you have to make conversation with the massage therapist. After all, you’re having a treatment, you’re not at a cocktail party! Feel free to close your eyes and relax, which is what most people do.

Deep tissue massage and sports massage are just some of the types of massage that require more feedback. The massage therapist often works on deeper layers of muscle and will want to ensure that the pressure is not uncomfortable.

Be sure to speak up if:

  • The room is too hot or too cold
  • You experience pain
  • You have any questions related to the massage
  • There’s anything you forgot to mention during the consultation

What if I get an erection?

Some men avoid massage therapy because they worry that they’ll get an erection. Or they get the massage but are unable to relax during the massage because of this fear. But there is no reason to be embarrassed. It’s perfectly normal for men to get an erection during a non-sexual, therapeutic massage. Gentle touch administered to any area of the body can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and cause a partial or full erection. Your massage therapist (male or female) understands this and will generally ignore it. If you are still worried, you may wish to wear a men’s bikini bathing suit during the massage, which provides more support than boxers.

How do I know if it’s a legitimate clinic?

Although you might think massage parlors that offer sensual or erotic massage may look obviously seedy, it can sometimes be difficult to spot these places. If you’re trying a new clinic or spa, it’s a good idea to call first and ask these questions:

  • Do you offer therapeutic massage?
  • Is the massage therapist certified or licensed?
  • Do you require a health questionnaire of your clients?

The pressure isn’t deep enough, but I don’t want to insult the therapist’s technique. What should I do?

Communicate openly with the massage therapist. Keep in mind however that it’s a myth that massage therapy has to hurt to be effective. Some of the most effective types of massage therapy are gentle and do not involve deep pressure or pain. In fact, too much pressure can cause muscles to seize up. Here is a good rule of thumb — on a scale of one to ten where one is no pain and ten is extremely painful, the pressure should always be less than seven.

I’m self-conscious about a certain part of my body and don’t want the therapist to see me. What can I do?

People are self-conscious for various reasons. Some of the more common concerns are:

  • I’m overweight.
  • I have excessive hair growth on my body.
  • I’ve got acne on my face or back.
  • My feet are ugly.
  • I have scars.

Being self-conscious should never keep you from seeking health care, whether it’s visiting your doctor or seeing a massage therapist.

I’d rather see a female therapist. Should I request this?

Some men don’t feel comfortable having a massage by a male massage therapist. It may be due to outdated social and media stereotypes of the profession or the fear of getting an erection during the massage.

Some women also prefer a female massage therapist because they say they feel more comfortable.

This doesn’t just apply to massage therapy. A University of Michigan study found that 43 percent of women preferred a female doctor for a colonoscopy. Of these women, 87 percent said they would be willing to wait more than 30 days to get an appointment with a female colonoscopist, and 14 percent would be willing to pay more for one.

That’s why I believe it’s important to challenge your preconceptions. Here are some tips to help you:

  • If you see other practitioners in the clinic or spa, ask if you could meet the massage therapist before you book the appointment.
  • Try booking a massage at a health club or a clinic, where there’s usually a higher percentage of male clientele and staff.
  • You may wish to start with an active form of massage, such as deep massage or sports massage, or a type of massage that is done fully clothed, such as shiatsu or Thai massage.

The Importance of Regular Facials

regular facials hands on face with towel

You may think that a facial is something you should have only as a luxury or every once in a while. The truth is that regular facials are important for your skin. Whether you choose to have a facial in your home in the one hour you have free, or go to see a professional, regular facials can have a benefit on both your physical and mental being.


The increased level of pollutants we are exposed to leave dirt, grime and even chemicals on our skin. This step in a facial helps clean out clogged pores so the skin can breath — preventing blackheads and breakouts. In addition, the cleaning phase of the facial helps address the free radical damage done from sun exposure.


The latest technology in skin analysis allows a facialist to more accurately analyze a client’s skin and prescribe appropriate products. Clear LED light illumination systems that are built into magnifying lenses can help a client pinpoint where problem areas are occurring and take preventative or corrective actions — sooner rather than later. If a client knows they have a clump of skin damage on their forehead, they can work with their facialist to more aggressively treat the situation.


While traditional facials have always involved removing dead skin as part of aiding cellular renewal, in the past few years, peels and microdermabrasion have taken this process even further. The result of this type of exfoliating is the stimulation of collagen and elastin production.


The ingredients contained in today’s professional skin care products are designed for deeper penetration into the skin. In addition, when microcurrent technology (which is noninvasive) is used, it helps the products to penetrate even more deeply. Increased hydration helps stimulate the energy centers of the cells to work more efficiently. This, in turn, helps diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, gives skin a smother and firmer texture and improves facial contour.


The last phase of a facial is designed to calm the skin and bring it back into balance. The biggest breakthrough is the use of LED light, which helps take down inflammation and targets conditions such as premature aging, rosacea and hyperpigmentation.

By getting regular facials at every phase of the process, you are taking small steps to buck the effects of aging on your skin — making it less likely that you will have to spend the big bucks on bigger, more expensive techniques down the road.

Pregnancy Massage


Therapeutic massage has been used for centuries to improve overall health, reduce stress, and relieve muscle tension. Massage and pregnancy have often received ambivalent responses from the health community regarding the safety and purpose of massage during pregnancy. Modern investigation and research are proving that prenatal massage therapy can be a very instrumental ingredient in women’s prenatal care and should be given careful consideration.

Benefits Of Prenatal Massage

Studies indicate that massage therapy performed during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. Massage therapy addresses different needs through varying techniques, one of which is called Swedish Massage, which aims to relax muscle tension and improve lymphatic and blood circulation through mild pressure applied to the muscle groups of the body.

Swedish Massage is the recommended prenatal massage method during pregnancy because it addresses many common discomforts associated with the skeletal and circulatory changes brought on by hormone shifts during pregnancy.

Hormone regulation

Studies done in the past 10 years have shown that hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered, leading to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health, when massage therapy was introduced to women’s prenatal care. In women who received bi-weekly massages for only five weeks, hormones such as norepinephrine and cortisol (“stress hormones”) were reduced and dopamine and serotonin levels were increased (low levels of these hormones are associated with depression).

These changes in hormone levels also led to fewer complications during birth and fewer instances of newborn complications, such as low birth weight. The evidence points strongly to maternal and newborn health benefits when therapeutic massage is incorporated into regular prenatal care.

Reduction of swelling

Edema, or swelling of the joints during pregnancy, is often caused by reduced circulation and increased pressure on the major blood vessels by the heavy uterus. Massage helps to stimulate soft tissues to reduce the collection of fluids in swollen joints, which also improves the removal of tissue waste, carried by the body’s lymph system.

Improvement of nerve pain

Sciatic nerve pain is experienced by many women in late pregnancy as the uterus rests on muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back. The pressure of the uterus spreads tension to the muscles of the upper and lower leg, causing them to swell and put pressure on nearby nerves. Massage therapy addresses the inflamed nerves by helping to release the tension on nearby muscles. Many women have experienced a significant reduction in sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy through regular massage.

Other potential benefits of prenatal massage:

  • Reduced back pain
  • Reduced joint pain
  • Improved circulation
  • Reduced edema
  • Reduced muscle tension and headaches
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles
  • Better sleep

Precautions For Prenatal Massage?

As with any therapeutic approach to pregnancy wellness, women should discuss massage with their prenatal care provider. The best way to address the risks of prenatal massage is to be informed and to work together with knowledgeable professionals.

Body position during prenatal massage

Many professionals consider the best position for a pregnant woman during massage is side-lying. Tables that provide a hole in which the uterus can fit may not be reliable and can still apply pressure to the abdomen, or allow the abdomen to dangle, causing uncomfortable stretching of the uterine ligaments. Consult your massage therapist before your first appointment to verify what position they place their clients in during the massage.

Seek an appropriate massage therapist

It is important to seek care from a certified prenatal massage therapist.  Certified therapists have received training beyond the national standards for massage therapists and know how to address specific pregnancy and massage needs and sensitive areas of the body.

Be aware of sensitive pressure points

Trained prenatal massage therapists are aware of pressure points on the ankles and wrists that can gently stimulate pelvic muscles, including the uterus. Certified prenatal massage therapists are trained to avoid very specific and intentional pressure to these areas during pregnancy. Any woman who has experienced pre-term contractions or consistent Braxton-Hicks contractions should alert her therapist to that fact so that pressure points can be avoided completely.

Women with the following conditions should speak with a health care provider prior to receiving a massage:

  • High risk pregnancy
  • Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
  • Preeclampsia
  • Previous pre-term labor
  • Experiencing severe swelling, high blood pressure, or sudden, severe headaches
  • Recently gave birth

Is Prenatal Massage Safe Throughout The Entire Pregnancy?

Women can begin massage therapy at any point in their pregnancy – during the first, second, or third trimester. Many facilities will refuse to offer massage to a woman who is still in her first trimester because of the increased statistics for miscarriage associated with the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Prenatal Massage As Part Of Prenatal Care

The benefits of massage can improve overall prenatal health for many pregnant women. Along with the guidance and advice of a prenatal care provider, massage therapy can be incorporated into routine prenatal care as an emotional and physical health supplement proven to improve pregnancy outcomes and maternal health. Consult with your midwife or obstetrician before beginning any new therapeutic practice.


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