Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion Facials


Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion

With dermabrasion, a dermatologist or plastic surgeon “sands” your skin with a special instrument. The procedure makes way for a new, smoother layer of skin to replace the skin that’s been treated.

Microdermabrasion uses tiny exfoliating crystals that are sprayed on the skin. It works best on problems such as dull skin, brown spots, and age spots.

When Is Dermabrasion or Microdermabrasion Used?

Dermabrasion was developed to improve acne scars, pox marks, and scars from accidents or disease. It’s not effective in treating congenital skin defects, most moles, pigmented birthmarks, or scars caused by burns.

Dermabrasion is generally only safe for people with fair skin. For people with darker skin, dermabrasion can result in scarring or discoloration.

Microdermabrasion works on all skin types and colors. It makes subtle changes, causing no skin color change or scarring. It is not effective for deeper problems such as scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, or deep acne scars.

With microdermabrasion, there is less downtime than with dermabrasion. Skin is temporarily pink but fully recovers within 24 hours. It doesn’t require surgery or anesthetics. That may help people who cannot take “down time” for healing.

Before You Get Dermabrasion or Microdermabrasion

You’ll consult with the professional who’s doing the procedure.

In a dermabrasion consultation, you’ll discuss your goals, the procedure’s risks and benefits, and the type of anesthesia that will be used. You’ll also get instructions to follow before and after dermabrasion and perhaps have “before” photos taken to compare with your results later.

With microdermabrasion, the consultation is similar but with less talk about anesthetics and risks because it is a simpler procedure.

How Does Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion Work?

Dermabrasion is done in the doctor’s office. You may get medication to relax you before the procedure starts. Your skin will be thoroughly cleansed, and you’ll get shots of numbing medicine to anesthetize the area to be treated.

The doctor will use a high-speed instrument with an abrasive wheel or brush to remove the outer layers of your skin and improve any irregularities in your skin’s surface.

In microdermabrasion, tiny crystals are sprayed onto the skin to gently remove the outer layer of your skin. This technique is less aggressive than dermabrasion, so you don’t need numbing medicine. It is basically an exfoliation and skin rejuvenation procedure that leaves skin looking softer and brighter.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Massage

candles towels

Here are some of the top tips for getting the most out of your massage.

1. Be as receptive and open to the massage process as possible.

2. Don’t eat just before a massage session. Let your body digest your meal first.

3. Be on time. If you arrive in a frenzied, rushed state, it may take longer to relax.

4. Take off only as much clothing as you are comfortable removing. If you don’t want to remove your clothing, wear clothing that will be comfortable during the massage and will allow the massage therapist to touch and move the areas of your body you expect will need to be massaged.

Privacy – The therapist will either leave the room or otherwise provide privacy while you undress. A sheet or towel is provided for draping during the massage and the therapist will uncover only the part of your body being massaged, ensuring that modesty is respected at all times. After the massage is finished, you will be provided with privacy while dressing.

5. Communicate with your massage therapist

Before the session, give accurate health information and let the massage therapist know your expectations and reasons for the massage.

Allergies to Oils, Lotions, Powders – The therapist may use oil, lotion or powders to reduce friction on your skin. If you are allergic to any oils, lotions or powders, tell your massage therapist, who can choose a substitute.

Some massage therapists play recorded music during the massage session. Others find music distracting. If it’s provided, let your massage therapist know if you have any music preferences or if you would prefer they turn off the music.
Some people like to talk during a massage, while others remain silent. Tell your massage therapist what you prefer.

During the massage session, report any discomfort, whether it’s from the massage or due to any problems or distractions related to the environment, e.g., room temperature, music volume, lighting, etc.
Give feedback to the massage therapist during the massage on the amount of pressure, speed of hand movement, etc. If anything happens that you dislike or seems improper, you have the right to ask the massage therapist to stop. If necessary, you also have the right to end the session.
Don’t be afraid to discuss any apprehensions or concerns. It’s important that you be as comfortable as possible during your massage. Your massage therapist is a professional dedicated to do his or her best to help you feel at ease.
6. Remember to breathe normally. Breathing helps facilitate relaxation. People often stop or limit their breathing when they feel anxious or a sensitive area is massaged.

7. Relax your muscles and your mind. Tightening up by contracting or hardening your muscles during the massage is counterproductive. Let your massage therapist know this is happening. They may need to adjust the massage technique they use and may also be able to help you relax the affected area. If you find your thoughts are racing during the massage, one way to be more body-centered and to quiet your mind is to follow the hands of the massage therapist and focus on how the touch feels.

8. Drink extra water after your massage.

9. Don’t get up too quickly and do allow for some open, quiet time after your massage session. If you’re dizzy or light headed after the massage, do not get off the table too fast. It also may take a little time to integrate or absorb the results of the massage session.

10. Be prepared to schedule several massage sessions. Massage has its greatest benefits over time. The therapeutic effects of massage are cumulative, so the more often you get a massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond. From one session to the next, relaxation deepens as the chronic patterns of stress in the body are affected and released. If you’re getting massage to address chronic muscular tension or recovery from a soft tissue injury, more than one session is usually needed.

Massage As Medicine

medicine man shoulders massaged

While massage may have developed a reputation as a decadent treat for people who love pampering, new studies are showing it has a wide variety of tangible health benefits.

Research over the past couple of years has found that massage therapy boosts immune function in women with breast cancer, improves symptoms in children with asthma, and increases grip strength in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Giving massages to the littlest patients, premature babies, helped in the crucial task of gaining weight. Is massage just for pampering or does it have true biological effects? A recent study showed muscles rebounded better if massaged after exercising to exhaustion.

The benefits go beyond feelings of relaxation and wellness that people may recognize after a massage. The American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society now include massage as one of their recommendations for treating low back pain, according to guidelines published in 2007.

New research is also starting to reveal just what happens in the body after a massage. While there have long been theories about how massage works—from releasing toxins to improving circulation—those have been fairly nebulous, with little hard evidence. Now, one study, for example, found that a single, 45-minute massage led to a small reduction in the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the blood, a decrease in cytokine proteins related to inflammation and allergic reactions, and a boost in white blood cells that fight infection.

What Winter Does To The Skin

winter woman fur hat smiling

Learn the basics, keep your skin healthy

Every woman out there must know that cold weather and healthy, great looking skin are two elements that never do well together. Cream commercials and beauty magazines keep repeating that to us every winter but, somehow, the problem never seems to actually go away. This happens, dermatologists say, because we’re not doing everything in our power to eliminate it from the core, by learning to prevent instead of trying to cure.

“When it’s very cold, there is less moisture in the environment. This lack of moisture is compounded by wind, which blows moisture away from the skin, and central heating.” consultant dermatologist Dr. Susan Mayou tells the British publication the Daily Mail. Her advice is simple: instead of desperately trying to cure dry skin, an attempt that may prove futile, we should focus on the things we can do to prevent the weather from wreaking havoc on it.

Buying moisturizing creams the moment we hear that temperatures are about to fall could be a solution, but not the only one required to fight this problem, the same dermatologist argues. Keeping the skin hydrated at all times, so as to be able to be exposed to extreme temperatures and still look good, has to come from within too, she explains. Drinking plenty of water, as well as making sure the money we spend on cosmetics goes on something of quality, are two important steps towards keeping it healthy and beautiful throughout the year, cold season included.

“Moisturizers work in two ways, using two types of ingredients. There are humectants, such as hyaluronic acid and urea, and occlusives, such as paraffin. Humectants draw water from the lower levels of the skin – this comes from the water we drink – to rehydrate the upper levels of the skin, while occlusives have a barrier function to help lock in this moisture.” Dr. Mayou further points out, offering hints on the type of moisturizers we should focus on.

All in all, having healthy skin during winter is not that far-fetched as we might think, as neither is impossible. As long as we focus on our entire body (with emphasis on the face, lips and hands), and we do everything in our power to act before the cold weather does, having radiant, fabulous skin during winter can actually be very easy.

Facials FAQs

facial mask with candles and stones

Will I break out after a facial?

Breakouts rarely occur unless your skin is congested with blackheads or whiteheads underneath your skin. If this is the circumstance, you might experience some breakouts, but be assured they won’t last for long.

How often should I have a facial?

We recommend a facial every 4-6 weeks, by means of this frequency we monitor your skin throughout the seasons and help you maintain a healthy and glowing complexion. However, if you are experiencing over stress or menopause your skin can be unpredictable and breakout; your esthetician may recommend more frequent visits until the problem is under control.

At what age should I start receiving regular facials?

Your 20’s to early 30’s are ideal unless you began to experience breakouts at an earlier age. We believe in early skin care education as many teenagers suffer from problem skin that is best addressed early on, having a visit to an esthetician can help treat and correct the problem.

Are scrubs bad for my skin?

Some can be, especially shell type particles like almond or apricot kernels scrubs which contain jagged edges and can harm the skin. Most professional exfoliators contain perfect round spheres that will exfoliate your skin without any harm.

Is there anything I can do to help my brown spots?

Hyper-pigmentation can occur after sun exposure, pregnancy or taking birth control pills. Yes, there are many treatments available like peels, micro-dermabrasion along with home care programs that will help lighten your pigmentation.

What’s the best way to prolong my facial?

We recommend being diligent with your home care program like cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing and protecting. This will help your skin function properly and look its absolute best.

What to expect after your massage

after massage woman shoulder massaged

What to expect after the massage:

• No matter if you have a 30, 60 or 90 minute massage… Take your time getting off the table. Immediately after the massage you may feel light headed or dizzy.  We have water available after your massage to help you rehydrate. Please feel free to sit for a few minutes to reconnect and ground yourself before leaving.

• Look forward to a feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation.

•You may feel more energy, focus, greater productivity, heightened awareness of your body and self.

•Possible soreness may be there. If it lasts longer than 1-2 days, please let us know at the next appointment so we can adjust the massage accordingly.

•Increase in circulation, range of motion, mobility, and ability to sleep. All wonderful things.

•Decrease in stress, pain, stiffness, and tension, thankfully!

Plus, check out these simple post-massage self care recommendations:

•Ice any areas that are sore or uncomfortable for 15-20 minutes 2 or more hours apart. Ideally use a bag of ice or an ice pack, not frozen vegetables. Make sure there is a barrier between your skin and the ice (a pillow case or kitchen towel work great!).

•Drink 2-3 more glasses of water than you normally drink in a day. Water is key to flush all the toxins out of your body that get loosened up by the massage. A key benefit!

•Go for a calming walk.

•Stretch before you go to bed and when you wake up to get the circulation going and keep muscles loose.

•And always call your massage therapist if you have any questions or concerns.

Esthetics FAQs

woman's face with towel being massaged

What Is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion, also known as microderm, is one of the easiest and most effective anti-aging treatments you can get. Its benefits are many: microderm softens fine lines and wrinkles, helps to smooth coarsely textured skin, decreases the appearance of scarring, and reduces superficial hyper-pigmentation, also known as age spots.

Microdermabrasion also makes it easier for high-tech skin care products to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and help build collagen, which gives skin its youthful appearance.

How does Microdermabrasion work?

Microderm works by removing the uppermost layer of dead skin cells from the face, chest and hands. True microdermabrasion is usually done in a day spa, medical spa or specialized skin care studio. It gives results you can’t achieve with a home microdermabrasion kit, which is basically a scrub for the face that is often too abrasive and can even irritate skin.

What is a facial?

A facial is a procedure involving a variety of skin treatments, including: steam, exfoliation, extraction, creams, lotions, facial masks, peels, and massage.

What is a lactic acid peel?

Lactic acid peels are just one type of chemical peel, but they are preferred by many — again, because of lactic acid’s reputation as a gentler alpha hydroxy acid (an organic acid containing a hydroxyl group bonded to the carbon atom adjacent to the carboxylic acid group. A number of such compounds are used in skin-care preparations for their exfoliating properties). You can use peels to improve wrinkles, some types of acne and discolorations on your skin. Lactic acid isn’t a cure-all — it won’t suddenly remove your deepest wrinkles, and it can’t stop you from aging. But over time, it can smooth the tone and condition of your face and reduce or remove mild marks and scars

How does waxing work?

Waxing is a form of semi-permanent hair removal which removes the hair from the root. New hair will not grow back in the previously waxed area for four to six weeks, although some people will start to see regrowth in only a week due to some of their hair being on a different growth cycle. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, pubic area (called bikini waxing), legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet. There are many types of waxing suitable for removing unwanted hair.

What kind of wax do you use?

Strip waxing (soft wax) is accomplished by spreading a wax thinly over the skin. A cloth or paper strip is applied and pressed firmly, adhering the strip to the wax and the wax to the skin. The strip is then quickly ripped against the direction of hair growth, as parallel as possible to the skin to avoid trauma to the skin (i.e, bruising, broken capillaries, ingrown hairs caused by hair follicle trauma and lifting of skin). This removes the wax along with the hair.

What are the benefits of waxing?

There are many benefits to waxing versus other forms of hair removal. It is an effective method to remove large amounts of hair at one time. It is a long-lasting method. Hair in waxed areas will not grow back for two to eight weeks. When hair is shaved or removed by depilatory cream, the hair is removed at the surface rather than the root. Within a few days, the hair can be seen at the surface. With these methods, hair tends to grow back in a rough stubble. Areas that are repeatedly waxed over long periods of time often exhibit regrowth that is softer.

What are the drawbacks of waxing?

Waxing can be painful when the strip is removed from the skin. Although the pain is not long-lasting, it can be intense, particularly in sensitive areas. Another drawback to waxing is the expense: waxing is usually performed by a licensed esthetician, and in some cases the cost can be high, depending on the area waxed and the number of sittings required. There are do-it-yourself waxing supplies, but they may be difficult to use on oneself on some areas on the body.

The Importance of Massage for Dancers

dancers man and woman

Dance can be an extremely physically demanding activity; training, rehearsals, and performances are physically intensive. Also all our daily activities put our body through stresses; sitting for long periods, driving or working on computer creates tension in the body and physical activities such as running or going to the gym can be physically demanding. Every day life stresses, emotions mental stress all affect our physical self.

The demand for sports massage and other massage therapies are increasing and becoming more recognized as a skill that enhances our overall well being. Due to intensive training, hectic schedules and stresses of every day life we are more prone to overworking our bodies and may suffer from muscle imbalances and overuse injuries. Physical tension in our body can have a negative affect on our mental and emotional well being so releasing excessive tension can enhance our mental health and promote relaxation and a sense of calm.

Overuse Injuries in Dance
Overuse injuries occur because muscles are worked hard during training, rehearsal or performance and are not rested fully. In the next class, rehearsal or performance the muscles are not fully recovered from the last session. It is as important to have a high quality recovery practice to maintain well-being and enhance your true potential. Overuse is the most common cause of muscular imbalances and injury in dance. If these are not noticed early on they can impair performance or worse can lead to chronic injures. See the dance Injuries article for more information.

Recovery From Physical Activity
Instinctively the body heals itself it performs the recovery process through circulation of the blood flushing out waste products that build up in the muscles during intense physical activity. It provides nutrients and repairs any tissue damage however this process takes time and a rest period is necessary. Dancers’ schedule often makes this required rest period very difficult to achieve. Massage is a safe and effective method of speeding up the recovery process.

Benefits of Massage for Dancers:

Massage aids and speed up the body’s natural recovery process
Massage helps prevent injury
Massage enhances performance by releasing muscular tension
Massage aid the healing process with minor soft tissue injuries

Massage can be an integral element to a dancers training or work schedule. If the dancer of company can budget for it, massage sessions by a qualified therapist can be programmed into training, rehearsal and performance schedule. However understanding time and money restraints dancers’ face I suggest learning and practicing simple self massage techniques as this can benefit dancers greatly.

Why Self-Massage for Dancers
Massage is extremely effective for releasing muscle tension and restoring balance to the musculoskeletal system. Regular massage may help prevent injuries as a constant build-up of tension in the muscles from regular activity may lead to stresses on joints, ligaments, tendons, as well as the muscles themselves. Self massage improves they way you feel and enhances your performance, simple self massage techniques can help aid recovery and release muscular tension.

Written by Laura Stanyer – Originally Posted at

Enlarged Pores Arent Potholes – Quit Trying to Fill Them!


Move over BB cream – there’s a new fad sweeping countertops, and it’s here to clog your pores! More women are adding “pore fillers” to their daily skincare agenda, hoping to blur or erase pores from their complexion completely. However, much like BB creams, you can file these under “unnecessary skincare”.

While you might envision pores as tiny potholes that a small “fill” can fix, you’ll only be creating a bigger problem – a bigger pore! Here’s why: Your pores are responsible for oil production – they help produce the protective hydrolipidic barrier your skin needs to stay healthy and balanced.

Some people owe their large pores to genetics – they inherited an oily skin type, so they have larger pores to accommodate more oil production. Others acquired larger pores as a result of prolonged congestion. Once a buildup of dirt, oil, and dead skin has stretched a pore, there’s no way to shrink it back to its original size.

While the reason behind having larger pores can vary from person to person, it’s physiologically impossible to close your pores –  there aren’t muscles to make them expand or contract. All you can do is minimize their appearance, and filling pores with a product that promises to blur, erase, or make them disappear altogether is the exact opposite of what should be done to help make them look smaller! “Fillers” only add more dirt, debris, and oil to your skin, making your pore problem worse.

The best way to minimize pore appearance is to ensure they are clear of product and dirt. Here’s your 4-step at-home agenda for tiny-looking pores:

  1. Cleanse – Give pores a deep clean with a cleanser that’s appropriate for your skin type. Doing so will ensure your skin is clear of any debris that can clog pores, and emphasize their appearance.
  2. Exfoliate – Your skin naturally sheds dead skin cells, completely regenerating once every 30 days. As you age, this process slows, and can lead to clogged pores – an issue that will not only make pores appear larger, but also stretch them so they actually are larger! Rev up your skin’s natural exfoliation process and uncover a more radiant complexion with a leave-on exfoliator like Quick Refiner or manual microdermabrasion like Pumice Peel. Both will keep pores clear.
  3. Treat – For stubborn pores, don’t rely on skin-damaging pore strips to remove impurities. Instead, reach for a clay-based facial mask with balancing plant extracts that acts as a vacuum to draw out pore-clogging debris and replenish hydration. For a deep pore purge, apply a stimulating, exfoliating mask 7 days in a row to eliminate impurities.
  4. Control – Keep pores clear throughout the day by balancing oil production at the source and absorbing excess oil at your skin’s surface with an oil control mattifier.

Stop treating your pores like potholes, filling them with products that claim to make them vanish – it’s impossible! Remember: if a miracle product that promises vanishing pores sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

The Power Of Massage For Those Suffering From Fibromyalgia

fibromyalgia man neck massaged

Can Massage help with your Fibromaylgia Pain? There is a good chance that it could!

Pain can make it difficult to enjoy everyday activities, but for fibromyalgia patients, pain can be constant, interfering with sleep, work and daily tasks. According to the American Chronic Pain Association, fibromyalgia affects more than 6 million Americans. The origins of this disorder are still relatively unknown. Though there is no cure, massage therapy may be one way to make life a little easier for people with fibromyalgia. In 2010, Adelaida Maria Castro-Sánchez led scientists from the University of Almería in Almería, Spain, to consider the effects of myofascial therapy on pain, anxiety, quality of sleep, depression and quality of life in fibromyalgia patients. Using a randomized-controlled study, researchers assigned 64 fibromyalgia patients to receive one of two types of therapy treatments over the course of 20 weeks. The experimental group received myofascial release therapy for 90 minutes once a week. The control group received a therapy that used a disconnected magnetic therapy machine for 30 minutes once a week. Their pain was assessed at baseline and at the end of the 20-week period, and then again at one and six months following the study’s completion. Researchers found the experimental group experienced significantly improved anxiety, sleep, pain and quality of life–both imediately following the treatment and up to one month after. The control group did not reap any of these benefits. The six-month follow ups, however, showed that improvements in sleep were the only difference between the two treatment groups. A similar study held by Castro-Sanchez in 2011 further examined how Fibromyalgia patients respond to massage therapy and found reductions in sensitivity to their pain. Additionally, these results showed many improvements that lasted as one year after the studies completion.


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