

gloved hands dermaplaning a face

Dermaplaning has become an increasingly popular exfoliation treatment as people branch out with their beauty regimes. This method uses a scalpel to gently scrape the dead skin of the top layer of skin to expose a brighter, softer complexion. It requires an experienced hand, which is why we only recommend getting this procedure done by a trained esthetician.


Along with getting rid of that unwanted peach fuzz (that makes your makeup look all funky), dermaplaning also allows skincare products to easily penetrate and have a greater effect. Because this method has no harsh chemicals with it, it is a perfect treatment for pregnant or nursing women. Most treatments are quick (usually less than 30 minutes) and can be repeated every month. There aren’t any side effects, and clients experience radiant skin as soon as they’re done!

The Old Wives Tale

Some clients are nervous to start dermaplaning because they believe that shaving the peach fuzz on their face will make it grow back thicker and darker. But that’s not true! The superfine hair on your face grows back the same as it was before the procedure, and just like waxing it may get thinner with time!

Dermaplaning is effective on all skin types besides very oily or active acne. It’s also great for mature skin, as it can get rid of the buildup of skin cells that happen with age.

Herbal Oil and Self Care


Amendment 2 just passed in Missouri (whoop whoop) and you’re going to be hearing a lot about cannabis, or medical marijuana. This includes herbal oil which has been legal and used within the self-care industry for years. So, what is herbal oil?

A cannabis plant contains both Cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana and is what makes a person feel ‘stoned’. Unlike Tetrahydrocannabinol, Cannabidiol (aka Herbal Oil) is not psychoactive which makes it an appealing option for those who are looking for pain relief.

Herbal Oil has been shown to be a more natural alternative to prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs for things like stiffness, chronic pain, epilepsy, fighting cancer, acne, and Alzheimer’s disease! Within your body, you have the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which plays a crucial role in regulating our physiology, mood, and everyday experience. Herbal Oil stimulates the endocannabinoid system and helps promote homeostasis in the body, reducing the sensation of pain and inhibiting inflammation.

Herbal Oil has slowly been breaking into the health and beauty industries! Benefits of Herbal Oil in a massage include anti-inflammatory benefits, a boost to the immune system, reduction in anxiety, promotion of a sense of calmness and relaxation, and alleviation of chronic pains. Can you imagine being even more relaxed during a massage??

You already know that inflammation is the root cause of many skin troubles, from rosacea to acne. Herbal Oil’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can reduce puffiness, soothe, and even tighten skin which makes it perfect for facials!

If you’d like to see how Herbal Oil can work for your body, book with one of our therapists today!

Relaxing From Back-to-School Stress


The back-to-school season can be a stressful time for parents with crazy carpooling schedules, school supply lists, and PTA meetings. However, as the kids get settled in, parents should find time to wind down and treat themselves to a relaxing facial. At Precision Wellness, we offer a variety of individualized facials to help you relax and rejuvenate stressed skin.

Custom Facials

These facials begin with a thorough cleansing and skin analysis and also include the extraction of blackheads. A mask and customs serum blend is also applied according to your skin needs. Finally, a relaxing scalp, face, neck, and shoulder massage is given. These facials are customized from start to finish according to your exact complexion.

Skin Script Rx

This customized facial includes professional products with natural fruit enzymes, glycolics, retinols, salicylics,  masks, and chemical peels. These products can be adjusted to be gentle or aggressive as needed. Skin Script products are aimed towards giving you beautiful, healthy, and youthful-looking skin.


Contrary to popular beliefs, microdermabrasion is not a chemical peel, a laser treatment, or a surgical procedure. Microdermabrasion gently buffs the surface of the skin with a diamond tip wand to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This treatment helps to repair facial skin and is a safe and effective alternative to chemical and laser peels.


A Facialderm is a combination of both custom facials and microdermabrasion. The Microderm buffs away surface skin which reduces the appearance of fine lines, age spots, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and pore size.

Mini Facial

For parents who are on the go, a personalized thirty-minute facial is a great booster. The mini facial includes cleansing, toning, gentle exfoliation, and a custom moisturizer.

Although back-to-school can be a stressful time, parents should not have to suffer the effects on their skin. Facials could be a rewarding and relaxing treat for parents. At Precision Wellness, all of our facials begin with a skin analysis and personal consultation. Our experienced estheticians are experts in treating aging, acne, rosacea, oily, dry, or sensitive skin. Schedule an appointment with us to begin rejuvenating your skin.

Tips to Prepare Your Skin for Winter

winter woman scarf and hat

Your skin care routine is essential to maintaining healthy and beautiful skin throughout the winter. The winter air can leave your skin dry and unbalanced. Dehydrated skin can result in dullness and flaking. However, there are several things you can do year-round to prepare for winter and avoid dehydrated skin.

Exfoliate Your Skin

Make exfoliation a regular priority. Dead skin cells may lead to clogged pores and interfere with the performance of your skincare products. Exfoliate about 1-3 times a week. This will allow any serums and moisturizer to penetrate the skin. An esthetician can properly exfoliate and clean your skin with a facial.

Use a Heavier Moisturizer

One of the easiest things you can do in the winter is to swap your usual moisturizer for a formula that’s slightly thicker and richer to combat the dry air. Visit one of our estheticians to determine what the best moisturizer for your skin may be. Our Mini Facial includes a custom moisturizer.

Frequently Wear Lip Balm

After you brush your teeth in the morning, apply a light layer of lip balm. Allow it to sink in before you apply your makeup. This will help your lips stay supple, even when using matte formulas. Before you go to bed, coat your lips with a nourishing lip balm so your lips don’t dry out overnight.

Continue to Wear Sunscreen

Snow can reflect up to 80% of UV light and up to 80% of the sun’s rays can penetrate clouds. Additionally, participating in winter sports can result in increased exposure to UV rays. UV radiation exposure increases 4-5% with every 1,000 feet above sea level. Sunscreen is a year round necessity, even when the temps cool.

Visit a Professional

Switching up your skin care regimen is easier with the advice of a professional. At Precision Wellness, we offer a variety of skin care routines, including custom facials tailored to your skin type. All of our facials include a skin analysis and personal consultation. Many facials also include exfoliation, deep cleaning, and extractions.

Benefits of Eyelash Tinting


Eyelash tinting produces a similar effect to mascara by using eyelash tint — a form of dye developed specifically for eyelashes. It visibly lengthens, darkens, and thickens the appearance of eyelashes without smudging, clumping, or rubbing off. It is safe and quick. There are many reasons to get eyelash tinting.

Avoid Problems with Mascara

The primary benefit to using eyelash tinting is that mascara is not needed. Tinting allows you to avoid the problems associated with mascara usage such as:

  • Smudging
  • Rubbing off
  • ‘Panda eyes’
  • Staining pillows if you forget to take it off before sleep
  • Clumping easily, leaving black dots on the skin
  • Expensive to keep replacing
  • Does not last very long — mascara tubes need to be bought frequently
  • Time-consuming to apply

Eyelash tinting is a semi-permanent form of mascara that allows you to avoid all of these problems. It stays smudge-free until your lashes are shed naturally.

Great for Pale Complexions

Blonde and red hair, although beautiful, can have its downsides. Often, people with very pale complexions also have very delicate, pale, barely-there eyelashes. This can create a low-contrast look that hides away the eyes and makes them appear smaller. Eyelash tinting will darken the lashes, creating definition and adding frame and structure to a face.

Convenient for an Active Lifestyle

Even if you do have a busy job, enjoy outdoor activities, and participate in extreme sports, that doesn’t mean you have to neglect your beauty regime. Eyelash tinting is the perfect answer to an active lifestyle because it allows you to free up your time. You do not have to spend time every morning perfecting your lashes with mascara and eyelash combs. For anyone who plays a sport, goes to the gym regularly, or leads a particularly active lifestyle, looking good can be an ongoing struggle. One 15 minute eyelash tinting session should help your lashes look effortlessly long and luscious, regardless of sweat and harsh weather.

Treat Sun Damaged Skin With Facial

woman's face with towel being massaged

The biggest way to prevent sun damage during the summer months is to wear sunscreen applied generously everyday rain or shine. The number one reason for premature aging comes from UV exposure and can bring on the sunspots. UVA rays (which we call aging rays to get people to take them more seriously) can penetrate through clouds and windows. However, it’s not the number of SPF protection you are wearing but how much you really are putting on. Most people do not put on enough to get the full amount of protection let alone reapply when they are outside.

Another method for combating sun damage is to load up on antioxidants. This goes for your skincare as well as your diet. Wearing an antioxidant serum including Vitamin C and E underneath your SPF will not only protect you from environmental damage but will increase your natural SPF factor. You can also take these supplements daily as well as eating a beta-carotene-rich diet such as kale, spinach, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

It’s not just the sun that can lead to spots. New research has found that heat can stimulate melanin activity. If you are prone to pigmentation issues, especially hormonal pigmentation, such as melasma, please keep this in mind during these hot summer months. Try to stay indoors and limit your exposure to heat, sun, and heat-inducing activities such as steam and sauna room, hot yoga, or anything that increases your body temperature.

Part of the battle in avoiding heat is keeping your skin cool as possible. It’s a good idea to keep some of your products in the refrigerator such as an alcohol-free toner, antioxidant serum or a mask. This is a great way to decrease the melanin activity as well as keep any redness down.

Regardless of what steps we try to take to prevent them, some sun damage is still going to happen. One of the ways to repair and remove sun spots is to exfoliate gently. It is key to managing cell turnover, softening fine lines, as well as skin discoloration by exfoliating. Our favorite exfoliation for all skin types is fruit enzyme masks and AHA Serums containing non-alcohol acids such as Glycolic and Salicylic Acid, that can help break apart pigmented cells to lessen their appearance.

And most importantly, if you want to treat and prevent future sun damage, get a monthly facial. People tend to get lazy in the summer months with their skincare routine. They wait until the fall and want to work on repairing the damage from the summer months. However, prevention is key here. A monthly professional facial treatment from our skin care experts uses stronger formulas and are packed full of antioxidant-rich serums and masks for increased results.

Put Your Best Face Forward With A Facial

spring woman smiling with hat

Getting a facial may not be one of those things most of us put on our “necessities” list, but what if we told you it needs to be? For some, any excuse is a good excuse to treat themselves, while for others – they need to justify the splurge. So allow us to help you do just that.

You Need a Facial – Because Your Face is the First Point of Contact

As the saying goes: “You only have one chance to make a first impression”. So if your facial skin has bore the brunt of years of sun exposure, stress, pollution, and just daily wear, it deserves a monthly skin care pick-me-up in order to get back on the front lines, and put your best face forward as your first point of contact.

After all, how you feel about yourself will be reflected in your face, so let us help make your reflection shine, and help boost the confidence everyone should feel.

The Science Behind Your Stratum Corneum and Why You Need a Facial

The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of your skin, and it completely renews itself every 28 days. Within this timeframe, your skin cells are continuously being replicated. So don’t allow them to replicate fading, aging skin cells! A monthly facial can help to boost your skin cell replication, allowing for healthier skin cells to emerge and replicate accordingly.

You Need Monthly Facials in Order to Relax, Renew and Refresh

The power of touch offers amazing healing abilities, and the simple service of having someone wash your face can have you feeling like an entirely new person.

Scrubbing away the old, allowing for time to decompress, and prompting your blood circulation to increase all helps facilitate the renewal of your skin cells. In addition to providing anti-aging boosting properties, and giving you a general sense of wellbeing – slowing the aging process and revving up your inner glow.

It’s amazing what an hour facial can offer you, and the long-lasting benefits it can provide straight through until your next monthly facial.

So make a monthly facial a service to yourself, to your mind, and to your body. Those around you will quickly recognize the physical and emotional difference in you.

We look forward to seeing you soon, and helping you smile in a refreshed way.

Get Your Skin Ready For Summer With A Facial

spring woman smiling with hat

Summer will be here before we know it and everyone will be showing a lot more skin. When you go grocery shopping and start seeing sunscreen and tanning creams more prominently displayed, then you know it’s time to start thinking about pampering and protecting your skin to get ready for the summer months.

Some skin solutions take longer than others to produce results, so if you want your skin looking its best on the first day of summer, now is the time to start.

Slough Off Winter Skin With a Facial

Start summer with a fresh complexion by getting a facial. Our trained estheticians can create a custom facial that addresses your exact skin needs. Our esthetician will take your skin type and quality into consideration to determine which solution will provide the best results. Your esthetician will also consider how the weather and environment are affecting your skin.

Facials can be used to treat fine lines, discoloration and acne among other things. Because facials are gentle on the skin, you’ll get the most benefit from having a series of facials performed over an extended period. Plus, a day getting pampered at Precision Wellness will help combat stress hormones that can cause acne flare-ups.

Switch Up Your Moisturizer

During the winter when the air is dry most people need a heavier moisturizer to keep skin hydrated. However, the summertime brings higher humidity levels that can make skin oilier. That’s why it’s important to switch up your moisturizer as summer rolls around.

Set the heavy creams aside, and opt for a lighter formula. Gel moisturizers are a good option if you have normal skin. If your skin tends to get oily try an oil-free mattifying moisturizer. The most important factor to look for is a lightweight formula that will absorb into the skin. Bonus points if it also contains broad spectrum UV protection.

Drink Up

When the summer heats up, we sweat to help regulate the temperature inside our body. Sweating depletes your body of moisture, which needs to be replaced. If you’re not properly hydrated, one of the first places it will start to show is your skin.

Staying hydrated seems like a simple task, but the majority of adults don’t drink the recommended daily amount of water. Make sure you drink at least eight cups of water a day (more if you’re active or out in hot weather for a prolonged period). If you plan to exercise it’s best to drink water before, during and after the workout to avoid dehydration. One of the best ways to increase fluid intake throughout the day is to get a water bottle. Keep the water bottle with you as a reminder to drink up.

Follow these tips to get started on improving your skin and by the time summer rolls around you’ll be ready to show more skin without any reservations.

Get Your Skin Ready For Spring With A Facial

spring woman smiling with hat

Now that the cold weather is coming to an end, it’s time to start getting ready for Spring and showing a little more skin. Consider a facial from Precision Esthetics to help you look and feel your best.

You exercise often. You eat right and you get frequent haircuts. So why wouldn’t you get a facial? As with most other beauty and health matters, facials help prevent and treat common problems. Facials are important because they keep on top of things that happen seasonally.

Take the fall season, for example. When you turn the furnace on for the first time, you might notice a change in your skin. Inside heat can dehydrate skin and facials can drastically correct a lack of moisture. And when the weather warms up a bit, skin can get oilier and create breakouts. Facials can help with these and many other skin ailments.

What can you expect from facials? Facials give your skin smoother texture, proper hydration, a glowing complexion, fewer breakouts and firmer skin. Regular treatments provide noticeable results.

Facials prevent problems for everyone, but your facial routine will depend on your skin type. You should see your esthetician once a month if you can manage it. For people with dry skin or dehydrated skin, it is more important to be diligent in winter than in the summer. In summer, it is more important for people with oily skin to get facials. Sunscreen and being outside can affect oily skin.

Regardless of when you’re investing in a good quality facial, make sure you maintain the results. It’s like going to the dentist for a cleaning and following that up with proper brushing and flossing at home a few times a day.

You can’t expect your facial results to last if you go home and sleep in your makeup or wash with a bar of soap. You have to use a cleanser and moisturizer for your skin type and season of the year. You need a guru to help you make the right choices for your skin type. That would be your esthetician at Precision Wellness.

Skin Script Rx Anti Aging Facial


Precision Wellness is proud to announce that we will be introducing the Skin Script Rx line of professional products.

Skin Script RX Skin Care is a line of natural, yet clinical skincare products designed for anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, melasma, sun damage, teen and adult acne, rosacea. Antioxidants, exfoliants, and natural brighteners are the base of this skincare line to achieve remarkable results.

Professional natural fruit enzymes, masks, and chemical peels are available. Skin Script fruit enzymes can be customized to be as gentle or aggressive as needed for your skin condition. Come in for an anti-aging facial to see firsthand how we can customize fruit enzymes, glycolics, retinols, salicylics, and lactics to achieve remarkable results.

Skin Script is dedicated to beautiful, healthy skin using fresh thinking to deliver the latest in vitalized, youthful-looking skin. Skin Script is a clinical, professional skin care line containing retinols, glycolics, lactics, salicylic, and natural lighteners and brighteners allowing us to customize a treatment regimen for your specific skin conditions.

We use Skin Script products in our facials, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels. These specialty products are designed to complement Skin Script’s clinical home products. The natural fruit enzymes and peels are formulated with higher levels of natural lighteners, kojic, and arbutin.

Skin Script’s professional products successfully treat melasma and hyperpigmentation on a variety of skin tones to treat these difficult skin conditions.

We love the Skin Script line of products because they work. Skin Script Rx is more absorbable than other skincare products. It’s very versatile and great for all skin types. Best of all it smells amazing.

We’re so confident that our customers will love it too that we’ll also carry their skin cleansers and moisturizers for you to use at home in between your facials. Once you try it for yourself, you’ll understand why we are so excited to add this new line of anti-aging skincare products.


Therapeutic Massage, Esthetics and Yoga

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