
Massage & Allergies


If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you are not alone – Research shows that over 50 million Americans battle seasonal allergies.

Allergies have many symptoms – from nasal congestion, sneezing, ear congestion, postnasal drainage, sore throat, urticaria (Hives) and itchiness, headache, coughing and wheezing can also occur. Your immune system feels threatened by a specific environmental substance, as a result, your immune system will react by releasing Immunoglobin antibodies to ward off the observed offender.  The release of these antibodies tells the body to produce chemicals like histamines, which causes an allergic reaction.

Massage is one of the best natural remedies for relieving allergies and asthma symptoms.  Reflexology has been used to battle seasonal allergies for centuries in Chinese medicine, and recent medical research measuring massage effectiveness showed that massage therapy has a significantly positive effect on asthma patients, improving their pulmonary function.

Relieve Sneezing:

If you are sneezing and coughing, you may consider requesting a lymphatic drainage massage.  Manual lymphatic drainage massage is especially effective in relieving nasal congestion, one of the most unpleasant allergy symptoms. If you have hay fever, your immune system goes into overdrive.  Causing your body to react to harmless environmental factors like pollen, mold, and pet dander. If you opt for a massage, your therapist will concentrate on opening your nasal passages – expect to get your face and neck massaged.  This will improve your lungs’ oxygenation.

Alleviate Headaches:

Massage improves your blood circulation. Good blood circulation gives immediate relief for migraines, sinus headaches, and rhinitis (hay fever-induced headache). Lymphatic drainage massage can help boost the circulation fluids (lymph) in the body. This massage technique helps empty the sinus cavity and help you recover fully.

Ease Stress:

Stress triggers allergies and can also worsen the symptoms.  Massages stimulate the release of hormones that help calm the body and decrease body tension. Reducing stress and anxiety with massage, allows your immune system to function normally due to a decrease in blood cortisol (a stress hormone) levels.  This can aid in programming the body’s response to allergens and ease the related symptoms.

Muscle Relief:

Every sneeze or cough is similar to a mini whiplash, causing tension, even pain, in your neck, shoulders, and upper back.  By relieving this muscle tension and helping you relax, your sinuses will relax and encourage drainage.

Essential Oils:

Essential oils can be used along with massage to create long-lasting pain relief.  Your massage therapist can recommend the best essential oils that you can apply to congested nasal areas.  These oils boost energy and help relieve allergy symptoms.

Massage should be seen only as a complementary therapy for allergy symptoms and is in no way a replacement for required medical attention. It’s a combination of all the good things that will get you through the spring. Schedule your massage today with Precision Wellness and start to feel that sweet relief!

What your massage therapist knows about your body


We know that our massage therapist is going to ease muscle tension and help us work through injuries, but that hour on the table reveals so much more than just the stress we asked them to soothe. 

Here are 15 things your massage therapist can tell about your body without you saying a word:

  • Type of purse you carry – Your body is tighter on one side when you carry a large purse. Glutes, hamstrings, and quads will be tight and you will also have an unnatural pelvic tilt.
  • When you sit at a computer all day – Weak lower back, one hip higher than the other, tight glutes and legs, means you’ve got a desk job.
  • The way you sleep – If you are a stomach sleeper, we can see extra strain on your neck.
  • Drive a lot – When you rack up those miles, you tend to exhibit “hunched shoulders”.
  • Injuries – New or old.  Massage therapist can feel heat and inflammation in an acute injury.  Chronic injuries show in the form of dehydrated muscles that feel tight.  And with repetitive motion injuries, tendons and muscles feel wiry like guitar strings.
  • Too much texting – The downward position of your head when texting creates an imbalance in the shoulders.
  • Dehydration – Upper back trigger points will be tender if you have not had your recommended eight glasses of water each day. Drink up, especially before and after your massage!
  • Always cold – When you are cold, you tend to hunch up your shoulders to your ears, so it I no surprise when you come in with stress in your necks and the tops of your shoulders during winter months.
  • You’re a runner – Hips and lower back will feel tight and you might complain about tension in the bottom of your feet.
  • Allergy sufferer – The tissue around your eyes, forehead, cheeks, and jaw will feel tender and inflamed.  So will lymph nodes in the chest, neck and underarms.
  • Bra is too tight – When you bra strap is too tight and cutting into your shoulder blade, the muscle above the scapula tightens in response to the pressure. 
  • Hormonal – Sensitive area (trigger points) in the lower back that feel stickier, tense, hot, or rubbery to your massage therapist – and painful to you could mean you are about to ovulate or having your period.
  • Might have skin cancer – As a massage therapist, we have our eyes on the back of your body, where you cannot generally see.  We can spot irregularities in places you cannot, and we’ll let you know if we see anything!
  • You need a new pillow – Sleeping on a pillow that is wrong or too-old can throw off the alignment of your spine.  If your head is tilted down or up, it will put a strain on your neck. 

These are just a few things we can tell. When you come in with an area you want to focus on, just let us know! Regular massage will help muscle tension and to heal those imbalances.

Why Thai Massage?

woman lying on a mat doing thai massage with therapist

The technique of Thai massage differs from traditional massage by its use of the body’s energy line system, known as Sen lines.  The massage involves deep massage and stretching, and it happens on the floor on a firm mattress or a mat. 

It is a therapeutic procedure that provides relaxation and restores healthy blood circulation.  It can also treat energy blockages, weak, dysfunctional organs, aches and pains, stress and tension, flexibility, paralysis, nerve problems, and postural alignments.

Thai massage is more rigorous than other forms of massage, you may walk away from your massage session feeling more energized.  It can also be referred to as Thai yoga massage because your massage therapist may use his or her arms, knees, and feet in addition to hands to manipulate the muscles through yoga-like movements.

Now you are probably wondering, ‘what is an energy line”.  Energy lines are invisible and cannot be verified anatomically – they are perceived to circulate throughout the body to maintain health and vitality.  

There are said to be 72,000 lines.  Thais believe 10 main lines are sufficient to treat the whole body and its internal organs.  When this energy flow is blocked or restricted, it creates sickness or disease.  To clear these blockages, Thai massage combines the application of pressure with manipulation, adjustment, and muscle stretching in full-body work, which improves overall health and well-being.

Don’t shy away from the unknown, rather learn some of the benefits of a Thai Massage.

Benefits of Thai Massage

Mindful Rest

Lying in a dimly-lit room, surrendering to the here and now, allowing your body and mind to flow as slow, methodical movements lull you into a restful, centered state, disengaging from the hubbub around you and sensory overload of life, gives you the space and time to let go of stresses and strains.

Eases Muscle & Joint Pain

When it comes to affecting your emotional and physical wellbeing, the power of human touch is extraordinary.  One instant result of relaxing into a Thai massage is how the kneading, rocking, and static pressure can work its therapeutic magic on tired and aching muscles and alleviate tension in joints and fascia. 

Release Energy

Movements that manipulate, massage, stretch, and create pressure are a way of maintaining internal balance and connecting the body, mind, and beyond in harmony, releasing energy along the way.

Customized Therapy

A well-trained massage therapist will focus on areas of the body that need more work as well as vary the strength from light touches to deeper tissue massage and more demanding stretches.  The key is to feel relaxed and comfortable even if Thai Massage is challenging your body at times.

Circulatory & Lymphatic Boost

More oxygen and greater detoxification promote greater mental clarity, enhances energy levels, and bring about a raft of health advantages.

Positive Emotions

You may experience a feeling of letting go of negative thoughts and as your cortisol levels reduce and your serotonin neurotransmitters increase your body is flooded with feel-good hormones as stress dissipates.  You may even feel the tension in your muscles begin to dissolve adding to your sense of wellbeing.

If you are looking to relax, relieve stress, and improve your flexibility and energy levels, Thai massage may just be the answer for you!

How To Build Healthy Self-Care Habits That Stick

Lightbox with motivation words for self care, positive thinking, mental health, emotional wellness

Self-care is all about the everyday habits that help you take care of and nurture your health and well-being. It means listening to your body, intentionally tuning in to the thoughts going on in your mind, and challenging your behaviors. 

You may love the idea of self-care, and you may be on board with the benefits, but have you recognized the need for self-care?  Actually adopting a self-care practice that can improve your life in more ways than you think.

Understand what self-care is and what is not

“The way I define self-care is the intentional, proactive pursuit of integrated wellness that balances mind, body, and spirit personally and professionally,” says Paula Gill Lopez, Ph.D., an associate professor and the chair of the department of psychological and educational consultation at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Connecticut. 

Self-care is about more than taking care of your physical health. Things are moving so fast around us that we need space to self-care and slow down to rest from all the busyness in our lives.

Ultimately, your self-care routine should make you a better version of yourself.  You should get some enjoyment out of the activity.  Rule of thumb, if the activities that you choose are adding to your well-being and are not detrimental to the other areas of your life, then there is a benefit.  You are better suited to take care of others, foster strong relationships, be resilient, and balance personal and professional responsibilities.

To help you get some direction, I have rounded up some powerful, important tips on self-care.  Please take these tips as guideposts rather than commands.  Find a way to make them fit that feels comfortable.

  • Do not do things you hate:  This seems obvious but sometimes it is not.  When exercising you need to do an activity that you enjoy or it is not self-care.  Each self-care habit you engage in must be customized especially for you, and the first step is to stop routines and actives that make you feel like you’re dying inside.
  • Find out what you love:  This also seems obvious, however, when you are not doing what you love, you lose determination.  When you lose determination, you are back to square one.  Don’t settle for anything less than raw, pulsating passion.
  • Recover from “expert addiction”:  There is a curious and toxic trend in our society to trust outside sources of advice and approval more than we trust our own selves.  If you want to build lifetime habits, the ONLY approval you need is your own.   Do not allow your path to be dictated by others.  Find your own way.  You are your own expert.
  • Develop a daily self-care routine: Speak kindly to yourself EVERY DAY!  Move your body, connect with your spirit, eat mindfully.  It is much easier to do something EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. When you do something every single day, you develop a habit more easily. 
  • Play with your routine:  Commit to structure of the routine while allowing yourself to play within it.  Impose a rigid structure with rigid activities, soon you will feel suffocated.  To feel free as well as fulfilled, you must allow for structure as well as play in your habits.  Allow for your routine to have a basic structure and allow yourself to play with the activities within that structure.
  • Relax:  Remember the feeling of peace.  The purpose of caring for yourself is to do it in a way that is graceful, flowing, and kind to yourself.  If you begin to get stressed, find a way to relax.  A massage or facial can do wonders 😉
  • Know your worth:  Self-care is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself as it produces positive feelings and boosts your confidence and self-esteem. 
  • A healthy work-life balance: Contrary to common belief, workaholism is not a virtue. Being overworked with excessive stress and exhaustion can make you less productive, disorganized, and emotionally depleted.  I can also lead to all sorts of healthy problems.  Professional self-care habits are just as important and personal self-care habits.  Setting professional boundaries, avoiding overextending, etc. ensures that you stay sharp, motivated and healthy.
  • Stress Management: A little does of stress is a healthy way to give us a nudge on deadlines or to finish overdue tasks, constant stress and anxiety can have an adverse effect on your mental and physical health. Eating healthy, connecting with a loved one or practicing meditation cuts down the toxic effects of stress by improving your mood and boosting your energy and confidence levels.

Now, after we’ve decided on new self-care habits, how do we get them to stick?

  • Start small – if you’re increasing water intake, start by one extra glass. It’s baby steps that will lead to big accomplishments.
  • Know your excuses – What gets in the way of this habit? Is it because you’re tired? Or you run out of time? Whatever habit you’re failing to form, consider what is preventing your success. Once you nail down your usual excuses, you can address them!
  • Set yourself up for success – It’s time to nip the excuses in the bud and get to work. If you forget your gym clothes, have an extra pair in your car. If you have a tendency to forget appointments for yourself, schedule them and don’t back out!
  • You will fail, but try again – Whether you cheat on a diet, skip a work out, or forgot to journal this morning – it’s ok! Just try again tomorrow.
  • Keep track – What gets measured gets managed. Plus it’s a great way to set goals, smash those goals, and celebrate your successes!

Precision Wellness is here for you, no matter what part we take in your self-care journey. Remember, you’ve got this!

Benefits of Aromatherapy During Your Massage and Facial


Before we can discuss the benefits of aromatherapy, you may be wondering “what is aromatherapy?”.  Aromatherapy incorporates the use of scented essential oils. 

The essential oils are 100% natural, highly concentrated plant essence, they will be diluted before use and are applied along with lotion during the massage or facial.  The massage involves alternating between gentle and harder pressure while using essential oils.  

Not only is your body benefiting from the direct contact with the essential oils, but the oils are alleged to have specific healing properties upon inhaling after exposure. 

Aromatherapy can reduce stress, relieve anxiety, increase calmness and relaxation, increase contentment, decrease muscle tension, provide pain relief, and reduce the symptoms of depression.

Benefits of adding aromatherapy to your massage and facial

Essential Oils are Harmless

Your therapist will evaluate your skin type and discuss any issues you have or what you need to work on and use a selection of oils that will benefit your skin.  If you do not have any healing requests such as nerves, muscles, or joints, you can ask for a more general essential oil such as energizing, uplifting, relaxing, or decongesting.


Receiving a massage or facial is a way to relax and ease your emotions, by adding essential oils to your massage or facial your experience and results will be enhanced because these oils have stress-relieving properties.

Detoxes Your Skin

Essential oils get down deep into your pores and work on the inner layers.  Aromatherapy facial and massage literally purifies the skin from within and not just externally.  This washes away all the impurities and hence, skin is detoxed.

Relieves Dryness

There is no better solution if you are suffering from dry skin, especially in the winter, when skin becomes extra dry, essential oils can be used as exfoliators in the form of a scrub or peel.  You will soon feel your skin texture turn smooth.

Treats Poor Skin Conditions

Are you looking for that magic skin treatment to deal with blemishes, acne, dark spots, and similar problem?  Aromatherapy helps to improve the texture of the skin as it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Removing dirt and all other impurities from the skin.

Improves Blood Circulation

A natural and healthy glow is what we all want to see in our skin, right? This is mostly triggered by the betterment of blood flow to the skin cells.  The movement of blood to the skin gives it a healthy glow and releases skin cells with necessary nutrients and water, which reduces the presence of wrinkled dry skin.

Want to add aromatherapy to your massage or facial? Book online or call Precision Wellness today!

Prenatal & Postnatal Massage

prenatal postnatal hands massaging pregnant woman

Massages have been proved in multiple studies to be extremely beneficial to your mind and body. Not only that, but it is also helpful to your baby, too!

During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes… crazy amazing changes!  With all of these changes, it can result in several uncomfortable conditions.  There are a few things that you can do to relive those aches and pains, and one of them is massage.  Massage during pregnancy not only makes a woman feel pampered and more emotionally grounded but is offers undeniable physical benefits as well.  The overall goal for prenatal massage is to help minimize stress, promote relaxation, and prepare the muscles for childbirth.

Massage during pregnancy also stimulates your lymphatic system, boosting immunity and removing excess toxins while stabilizing hormone levels. A few other benefits of prenatal massage include:  reduced swelling in your feet, legs and hands, relieve lower back pain including sciatic nerve pain, improve sleep by relaxing the nervous system and releasing feel good hormones, prepare you body for labor and birth, and relief pain naturally.

Women with normal, low-risk pregnancies can benefit greatly from massage by a trained pregnancy massage therapist.  However, women in high-risk pregnancies should consult with their doctor before beginning a massage therapy program. 

Postpartum massage is also super beneficial after giving birth to your baby.  Whether you had a difficult birth experience or your baby’s birth went smoothly, a woman’s body undergoes quite a bit of realignment.  Postpartum massage helps restore your muscle tone in the abdomen and reposition the pelvis.

Benefits of a postpartum massage can include:  Reliving tension from the birthing process, clears excess fluids from the body more quickly, hastens recovery, encourages pelvic and abdominal organs to return to pre-pregnancy positions, promotes shift return to digestive function, increases energy levels and reduces fatigue, aids in returning the uterus to normal size, decreases muscle tension from the exertion of labor, provides emotional support, addresses scar healing protocol after c-section, relieves should, neck and arm tension from breastfeeding. 

One of the biggest benefits in getting a massage after giving birth helps maintain a healthy circulation throughout the body.  In return, this helps the flow of breast milk through the body as well.  And increases the overall product of the breast milk.

If you’re looking for a prenatal or postnatal massage, give Precision Wellness a call!

Massage & Arthritis

arthritis holding wrist

Are you struggling with arthritis and looking for relief?   Look no further!

Massage therapy has been used widely as an aide to reduce pain and promote recovery of injured muscles.  Massage therapy can also help with moderate inflammation and stiffness associated with arthritis by improving circulation.  This translates to enhanced blood flow to arthritic joints, improved movement, and reduced pain.

Studies have shown that having a professional massage just once a week, and doing self-massage once a day, may help reduce the pain associated with many conditions, including arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and neuropathy.

There are many different types of massage available to you.  The best massage we recommend for arthritis are…

1 – Swedish:  Swedish massage is the most popular, using long strokes, circular movements and kneading to loosen tight muscles.  Pressure can range from very light to deep. With a Swedish massage you really get the blood circulation going.

2 – Shiatsu:  In this form of massage, specific spots are massaged that are said to relieve pain elsewhere in the body.  The areas massaged will depend on what type of pain you are having.  Your limbs may also be stretched lightly.

3 – Lymphatic massage: Also known as lymphatic drainage massage, this massage will use light, patterned strokes to help excess lymphatic fluid drain into the bloodstream.   This is very helpful for people with arthritis because they sometimes have a lot of excess fluid from the inflammatory process.

4 – Petrissage:  During a petrissage, your therapist will gently lift your skin and knead or roll it.  This can help lengthen the tissues that connect to your muscles, enabling them to relax a little.  Adding a little stretch and pliability can cause greater relief from discomfort.

Of course, you can always ask for a customized massage. Do not be afraid to ask your therapist for a treatment that is designed especially for your aches and pains. When you’re ready to work on you, give Precision Wellness a call!

How to maximize your massage

maximize woman face down headrest

When you invest in yourself, your physical, mental and overall health, by committing to routine massage therapy sessions, you want to make sure that you’re getting the best massage every time.  To ensure this, we suggest adopting the following ten tips to enhance your massage therapy experience.

Tip #1 – Decide what you want to get out of your massage – relaxation or more rehabilitation – before your session can make a big difference in having a satisfying experience.

Tip #2 – Communicate with your therapist before your session about how you are feeling, medical history, and what you expect from the session.  Doing so will help keep your session focused.

Tip #3 – Arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment time.  This gives you time to prepare your mind and body for the session.

Tip #4 – Be Fully Present.  Try to avoid squeezing in an hour during the work-day or when you have to rush to or from your session.  It will be easier for you to relax and fully immerse yourself in the massage experience if your mind is not worried about missing your next meeting.

Tip #5 – Leave your devices behind.  Getting a massage is one of the few places you can be without any distractions from the outside world.  Clear your mind by leaving your phone and other devices in your car or at home so you can really unplug during your session.

Tip #6 – Drink lots of water. After your massage, you will want to drink plenty of water for the next couple of days.  Your body is releasing toxins and metabolic waste for two to three days after your massage and you’ll need to replenish your fluids.   This will also help you from feeling fatigued.

Tip #7 – Breathe!  Relaxing long breaths from your abdomen does not just help you relax mentally, it also helps your muscles relax as your therapist works out your body’s stiffness and tightness.

Tip #8 – Avoid Stress.  Yes, if it is possible, avoid stressful activities.  This includes your gym workouts.  Try to avoid lifting weights after a deep tissue massage to prevent stressing your muscles.

Tip #9 – Take a bath.  Take a hot bath with Epsom salts.  Epsom salt baths are easy and ideal way to help flush toxins from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate substances.

Tip #10 – Alternate Temperatures.  If your massage therapist uncovered areas of your body that had a lot of tension, you could be feel soreness after your session.  Alternating moist heat and cold compresses on the area of soreness will help.

Now you have the ten tips, you are ready to schedule and enjoy your massage experience with Precision Wellness!

What is Thai Massage?


Unlike a Swedish and deep tissue massage that take place on a table, Thai massage actually takes place on a floor mat.   During a Thai massage, the masseuse moves all around and above the client to access a wider range of angles over each part of the body.  The session may also include rhythmic pressing and stretching of your entire body.   This could include pulling fingers, toes, ears, cracking knuckles, walking on the recipient’s back.

What to expect from Thai Massage

During a Thai massage, you will keep your clothing on.  It is ideal to wear loose-fitting, clean, and comfortable clothing (along the lines of active athletic wear).  During the massage, you will be pulled, stretched, and rocked while the therapist uses many parts of their body including their thumbs, elbows, and knees.

Benefits of Thai Massage

Research has shown that the benefits of Thai massage can include improved circulation and lymph flow improvement, improved range of motion and flexibility, reduced levels of stress, deep relaxation, pain relief, and reduction of muscle tension, as well as increased energy level.

Remember, after any type of massage, you will need to drink plenty of water.  Your muscle tissue will not be as pliable if you are dehydrated and will cause that day-after tenderness.   Drinking plenty of water will also help flush out the waste after your massage.   Avoiding caffeine and alcohol is a good idea as they are dehydrating.

We at Precision Wellness are here to Help you Feel Your Best!

New Year – New Self Care Routine

torn paper new year

The New Year always brings new routines and new goals. While it can be hard to stick to new routines, it can be so rewarding when your skin is healthier, self-confidence is boosted, and you’re back to your rejuvenated self. Here are some self care ideas you should consider for 2020:

Take a bath

Take that extra time to soak – bring on the bubbles, the candles, the soft music, and a glass of wine! Relax in the water and let go of the stress you’ve accumulated from the week. 


If you’re not sure where to start on this, Youtube has some great guided meditations that work to get you in the right mindset. 

Start doing yoga

Yoga helps your body to slow down and respect its breath and movements – which is why it’s a great de-stressor! 

Read a book

Yep, you heard us; A good old-fashioned book. Pick up a classic or go for a new book everyone is raving about and get immersed in someone else’s story.


Whether it’s dancing, playing softball, going for a run, or lifting some weights at the gym, find what gets your heart pumping and feel that endorphin high! 

Go out with friends

For those that are extroverted in nature, getting out and feeling a crowd of friends and strangers around you is a way to power up again.

Binge watch a show on Netflix

Sometimes you just need to not do anything productive! Don’t feel bad about literally taking time to do nothing to balance your plate.


Writing down your thoughts at the same time every day is a great way to become more introspective. Don’t worry about writing down specific things, just write down what comes to you!

Listen to a podcast

There are so many categories for podcasts to listen to – crime, business, comedy, sports, history, you name it! Pick one that you’re interested in and pop in those headphones!

Take a trip

When it feels like life is just getting too heavy where you live and work, take a break! There are beautiful, amazing lands all across the world waiting to be explored by you. 

Organize your room/office

It’s the new year – which means it’s time to cut out all the unnecessary. Take stock of your office, bedroom, or even your home to declutter and organize for 2020.

Get a massage

We’re partial to this idea, but only because we really believe in it! Massages help to reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, alleviate chronic pains, and soothe muscles you never knew were overworked! 

To schedule your massage with someone here at Precision Wellness, just give us a call at 417-886-1131.


Therapeutic Massage, Esthetics and Yoga

Services as unique as you are