
How is a Deep Tissue Massage Different From Other Massages?


When it comes to massages, there are a lot of options to choose from. For those that are new to getting massages, this can be incredibly overwhelming! One of the most common, a deep tissue massage, is often the first one people hear about. 

Here’s what you need to know about a deep tissue massage

With this massage, deep pressure is applied to any knotted muscles or aching areas of the body. Rather than doing this technique all over the body, a deep tissue massage is usually done in specific areas for the best results. 

While people tend to think that this type of massage will be very relaxing, it often will make you feel very sore for the next few days. Not to say that this massage is incredibly painful – however, it may be uncomfortable to some as the muscles are worked on. (We promise though, in the end, it’s worth it!)

Here are some of the benefits of deep tissue massage:

-Boosts healing
-Recovery from injuries
-Release muscle tension
-Breaks down scar tissue and adhesions

This is different from other massages. For example, a Swedish massage is usually what people think of when they imagine a massage – muscles relaxing, calming motions, and barely any soreness the next day. This can be quite different from other massages like Thai or even pregnancy massages in terms of technique and motion.

For deep tissue massages, it’s always important to communicate with your massage therapist about any painful areas on your body. Speak up if the pressure is too much! Alternatively, you should also say something if you don’t feel that there is enough pressure. Each person is different in their level of tolerance, and your massage therapist can’t know yours unless you tell them.

To schedule your deep tissue massage (or any massage you’re interested in), please book online.

What Is TMJ Massage?


TMJ Massage Helps Reduce Jaw Pain

The jaw or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is vulnerable to joint disorders. Disorders of the jaw are typically referred to by the same name: TMJ or TMJD.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the mandible to the skull’s temporal bone and allows the movements of biting, chewing, swallowing, speaking, and making facial expressions.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD) can cause tooth pain and headaches, or painful popping in the jaw. Pain is the most common TMJD symptom. The pain is often described as a transient, dull ache in the jaw joint and nearby areas, including the ear.

Some clients may not have pain but may find it difficult to move their jaw. Sometimes clients mistake TMJD symptoms for tooth pain, or they may experience headaches or grind their teeth.

A TMJ treatment can help relieve all of these symptoms.

How Can TMJ Treatment Help?

Surprisingly, difficulty relaxing is a common cause of jaw dysfunction. Holding the tension, especially in the jaw, is a common response to stress. Emotional tension can easily manifest as TMJ pain.

TMJ treatment is an ideal massage technique to relieve the pain of TMJD. Our massage therapy is focused on the reduction of tension in the mastication muscles, releasing tension in the fascia of the face and mouth, and eliminating any trigger points.

TMJ Treatment vs Traditional Massage

Our TMJ Treatment is a massage therapy treatment of just the mouth, jaws, head, and sometimes neck to relieve TMJD. Applying pressure to trigger points in the jaw muscles can help relieve spasms and pain.

We use isometric contraction to gently stretch tensed muscle fibers and might use minimal resistance to further stretch the tissue. We follow the treatment with some relaxation techniques to enhance the relief of the targeted muscle.

This massage technique can restore the range of motion that typically regresses with TMJD.

What to Expect from a TMJ Massage at Precision Wellness

While treating TMJ, your massage therapist will focus treatment on the reduction of tension in the masticatory (chewing) muscles, eliminating trigger points—the painful “knots” felt in the muscle that refers to pain elsewhere—and releasing tension in the fascia tissue around the jaw area.

Fascia is the tough, dense connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, nerve, bone, blood vessel, and organ of the body.

Some of the common massages that your massage therapist will use when treating TMJ include:

  • Swedish Massage
    • While this is the most common and well-known massage, it has a number of benefits; a primary one being that of relaxation. Our massage therapists are experts in providing relaxation through a full-body Swedish massage that can have a huge impact on reducing jaw tension, as stress contributes greatly to TMJ disorders.
  • Neuromuscular Therapy
    • This technique involves our therapists applying pressure to trigger points in the jaw muscles to help relieve tension and return muscles to a relaxed state.

Postpartum Massage


While we have already explained the benefits massage can have on pregnant women, it’s worth noting the importance of massage after having a baby as well. Carrying a child can be one of the most altering life events a woman will ever go through – especially physically.

Along with going through a large number of bodily changes in the past 9 months, a new mother also has a lot more responsibility and stress after her baby is born. That’s a lot of pressure on someone!

Massages are a key element in postpartum recovery because:

They’re great for relieving stress and anxiety.

What better what to relax than to get a massage? Massages are able to relax the otherwise high-strung muscles that were used heavily during pregnancy and labor, smoothing out knotted areas of the body. Don’t be afraid to truly pamper yourself during this session either – you just brought a baby into this world! – so why not add in an extra relaxing facial?

They help to balance out hormones.

Many women struggle with depression and hormone imbalances postpartum. Luckily, massages help to balance out hormones by the release of chemicals during the massage (especially when essential oils are used).

Massages can decrease pain.

For a long time, people have received massages to help with their chronic pain. A lot of people don’t know that the underlying cause of a hurting part of the body is usually caused by an entirely different area – but your massage therapist will be able to help pinpoint your troubles!

They can also improve sleep.

It’s no surprise that many new mothers are severely sleep-deprived. Speedy recovery is linked with getting good sleep, so it’s crucial that you make time for yourself. Let your mother-in-law watch the baby for an hour or two while you take time to rest and relax with a massage and take a nap afterward!

As soon as you feel comfortable enough to receive a massage, make an appointment! If you’re not sure your body is quite ready or have questions, always check with your doctor to ensure a postpartum massage is the right move for you.

The Benefits of a Prenatal Massage


Pregnancy can be one of the most uncomfortable times in a woman’s life. Your body is changing in ways you didn’t know was possible, stretch marks are appearing all over, and basically, everything hurts… all the time.

While you’re getting ready for the baby to make its arrival, you’re doing your best to be comfortable. That includes the body pillow at night, stocking up on pickles, and getting prenatal massages!

These types of massages are great for relieving stress and promoting relaxation (two of the most important things you need to be trying to do while pregnant!). This massage also alleviates the pressure on the joints you’re overworking, helps with better sleep at night, and can aid in regulating your hormonal imbalances. Here are some other benefits to prenatal massages:

  • Better sleep at night
  • Increased relaxation/calmness
  • Lower stress
  • Reduce back and joint pain
  • Better circulation

Your prenatal massage will involve extra support with pillows to make sure you’re comfortable, as well as specific positioning so as not to strain other parts of your body. Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, these positions will differ.

Our massage therapists here at Precision Wellness will typically stay away from deep tissue work so as not to make your already uncomfortable muscles feel worse. Instead, we will give more of a Swedish massage focused on relaxing the body and work to reduce swelling and nerve pain.

It’s important that you tell your massage therapist that you are pregnant to ensure you get the proper massage, as well as getting confirmation from your doctor that you are able to get a massage.

If you have any questions about booking your prenatal massage with us, please give us a call!

What is Neuromuscular Therapy Massage?


Neuromuscular massage is a specific deep tissue massage that utilizes friction and pressure to work out muscle strains. These areas are referred to as “trigger points,” and cause pain for a lot of people. Neuromuscular massages should be given by trained professionals that have had experience in this work.

This type of massage has a lot of benefits – typically, neuromuscular therapy massage helps with compressed nerves, muscle spasms, and poor blood flow. For many people, this massage will be painful at first as the muscles are worked on, but no one should feel an overwhelming amount of pain. Clients should always feel comfortable with communicating to their massage therapist how the pressure feels on them in order to get the most out of their massage.

Using slow, pressured strokes, massage therapists can penetrate the deeper layers of tissue to find the actual issues – the soft tissues, the muscles and ligaments, and the nervous system. When telling your massage therapist about how a certain area of your body that you experience pain, don’t be surprised if they don’t work that area very much. Often, there are specific points on other parts of the body that are the root of the pain that they must work on in order to smooth out the muscles. For example, for people complaining about back pain, a massage therapist might work on the upper glutes to release tension tying into the back.

Many people will feel sore after this massage the next day because of the amount of lactic acid that is released during the massage. Your massage therapist will probably recommend that you try a different movement during the day to lessen the amount of muscle pain you experience (like sitting straighter in chairs to lessen the strain on back muscles, etc).

Here at Precision Wellness, we have multiple massage therapists trained on how to perform neuromuscular massages. We would love to see how we can lessen your muscle pain with this type of massage – book online today!

First Time Massage Questions

first time neck being massaged

Thinking of getting a professional massage for the first time? You may have questions before you make the appointment.

Maybe you’re self-conscious about getting undressed in front of a stranger. Or you’re worried that the massage will hurt. Or you’re hoping it will cure a backache you’ve had for years.

To help put you at ease before your first massage, here are frequently asked questions and answers about massage. So stop fretting and just relax — that’s the whole point of getting a massage.

What type of massage should I get?
There are many different styles of massage. The most common is the Swedish massage, which is a whole-body therapeutic massage designed to relax the muscles and joints. Other popular types include deep tissue, shiatsu, hot stone, reflexology, and Thai massage. You may want to choose a specialty, like sports massage or pregnancy massage, if that suits your needs.

When should I schedule a massage?
Think about your day’s schedule before you set up your massage. For example, don’t eat right before or exercise immediately after your massage.

Will I be naked?

You only need to take off only as much clothing as you’re comfortable removing. You can leave your undergarments on if you choose, as massage can be done through clothing. The massage therapist will give you privacy while you undress or leave the room. During the massage, the therapist will use a sheet or towel to drape the parts of your body that are not being massaged. Is the massage going to hurt?

It shouldn’t hurt, but you should keep the lines of communication open. If a therapist is pressing too deeply in an area, you should tell them.

Should I talk during the massage?

It’s up to you. Some people like to remain quiet and listen to music during the massage. Others like to make light conversation. Tell your massage therapist your preference.

What if I fall asleep?

You may get drowsy during the massage, so don’t worry if you fall asleep. Your massage therapist will wake you up at the end of the massage.

How will I feel after the massage?

You should feel some relief after a massage. Sometimes you may experience 24-48 hours of soreness.

After a massage, you should feel relaxed and mellow, a little bit like you’ve had a glass of wine. That has to do with the changes in neurochemicals like serotonin and endorphins.

Massage & Working at a Desk


Desk workers are notorious for sharing some of the worst aches and pains because they are confined to a chair for 8 hours a day. Not only does the affect your body physically but can also take a toll on your mental health as well. Many office workers experience back pain, headaches, stiff joints, and more ailments. Massage can help realign your spine to fix your posture from bending over a computer all day and help to relieve the pains associated with desk work.

Massages can counteract the bad postures your body is put through during the day. That means our deep tissue massage will work past the first layer of muscle tissue to relieve chronic pain and increase joint mobility. Not to mention, our relaxation massage is great to engage the sympathetic nervous system and relax the mind and body. This is especially great for people that have very high-stress jobs or tend to get anxious during job projects. What better way to unwind than with a massage?

The strain of looking at a computer all day tends to give us headaches and migraines that just don’t seem to go away. Massages increase blood flow circulation and smooth out those tense muscles in order for them to heal. This gives your body a chance to relax and enjoy the break away from the desk.

It’s not just your back and shoulders that feel the pressure – You can develop knots in your forearms and stiffness in your wrists from typing. With a full-body massage, we’ll be able to work out the kinks so you can keep pounding that keyboard.

Massage is a great natural way to improve productivity, alleviate stress, and heal your body’s aches without the use of chemicals or drugs. While each situation is different, your body can greatly benefit from a professional massage tailored to your unique needs.

With many different massage techniques available, Precision Wellness is your go-to for any and all treatments. Let us know your specific ailments when you come to see us, and we’ll help you decide the perfect massage for you! We offer deep tissue, neuromuscular, relaxation, Thai, and herbal oil-infused massage at our location right here in Springfield, Missouri!

Massage & Exercise

man massaging woman's back wide shot

How adding massage to your exercise regimen can help you stay pain free… and help improve your results!

Massage isn’t just for super relaxation – it can also help that scale move! For many people, one of their New Year’s resolutions is to get healthier and shed a few pounds. Taking on the gym, though, can have a huge effect on your body (sometimes in ways that don’t feel all that great).

Here’s why massage is going to help your body do more than relax:

It can help the pain of sore muscles! Nobody likes that day after a really hard workout where it feels like you can’t move. Your muscles are super tense, and every movement feels like some form of torture. Getting a massage as some post-workout care means your muscles get a chance to loosen up, allowing you to recover more easily (and less painfully!).

It helps you get in the right mindset! Getting all amped up on pre-workout and protein is great and all… until you’re ready to crash from the exhaustion. Constantly pushing yourself to the max (no matter what anyone says) is NOT good for your health. Your mental health ties in directly to your physical health and receiving calming massages can help you relieve the stress build-up.

It’ll help with flexibility! Keeping your muscles workable is crucial for your workouts. For many people, as you do more and more workouts, you have to build on your flexibility to be able to do more extensive workouts.

Whether you use massage as a way to unwind after an intense workout, or to boost flexibility for future exercising, knowing what your body needs to flourish is important. Every body is different in what it needs, and you know your body best. If you’d like to set up a massage with one of our experienced massage therapists, please call 417-886-1131.

Self-Care and Season Change

season change woman smiling application under eyes

It’s no secret that our attitudes can change drastically based on the changing of the seasons. According to PsychologyToday.com, seasonal depression affects an estimated 10 million Americans every year. Not only that, weather change affects our sinuses, our immune system and just our bodies in general. Are you feeling blue that winter is here? Combat that with some self care!

Get moving! Whether that’s through a full-body workout 3 times a week, or a 30 minute walk a day, getting your body moving helps to improve your overall mood and health. When your blood pumps through your body, it also moves out buildup of toxins and can help clear your head. Plus, it’ll help fight that winter weight gain many of us struggle with every year.

Get to sleeping! Sleep is just as essential to your body as breathing, and lack of sleep can cause irritability as well as have a negative impact on your physical health. With less sunlight during these winter months our natural inclination is to hibernate, and you should! Allow yourself to sleep in on the weekends or sneak away from your to-do list to get a mid day nap.

Get to de-stressing! There’s usually a specific reason why you are feeling stressed out – whether that’s your job, your relationships, or something else. Pinpointing exactly where the stress is coming from can help you to realize (and relax) when it is happening. We’re now in a new year, it’s time to really evaluate the aspects of your life and make them what you want them to be!

Another thing to keep in mind is what you’re putting into your body during season changes. Constantly inhaling greasy food and unhealthy snacks will put you into a funk. Focus on eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables – they give a natural boost to your mood and energy! Staying hydrated also has a huge impact on your overall health – we recommend getting at least 8 glasses of water in your system a day.

GET A MASSAGE! Massage has an amazing effect on you body as it goes through season changes. Massage has been shown to decrease cortisol levels (stress hormones). This enables the body to enter a recovery mode and trigger feelings of relaxation, and happiness 🙂 With improved circulation, relaxed muscles, and the release of toxins your immune system is going to thank you for that 30-90 minutes you took for yourself!

GET A FACIAL! Winter tends to bring dry skin and a dull mood… but facials will do more than keep your skin hydrated (although that’s an awesome benefit!) There are hundreds of pressure points on your face that are connected to various systems in your body. When these pressure points are massaged, your body responds to it! A good facial and facial massage not only keeps your skin glowing, but it affects the functioning of your entire body.

Taking care of your body and mind is crucial to healing yourself and combating those seasonal blues. Precision Wellness is here to help! 

Herbal Oil on a Molecular Level


Herbal oil isn’t a magical cure-all potion, and it’s not something made to get you high; Cannabidiol (aka Herbal Oil) is a part of the cannabis plant that can leave a therapeutic, relaxing effect on people and truly impact your body in a positive way. With the recent interest in herbal oil, a lot of rumors have started to circulate. We hope that by explaining exactly how herbal oil affects your brain, many of the stereotypes and myths you have heard about will be dispelled.

Within your brain, the endocannabinoid system’s most important function is to maintain balance and homeostasis of almost everything going on in your body. CB1 and CB2 receptors make up the system, and these receptors are activated by anandamide and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol. Anandamide stimulates the CB1 receptors; while 2-AG stimulates both the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 controls several physiological functions like sleeping, appetite, emotion, sensory perception, memory, and cognition; CB2 activation controls inflammation since these receptors are predominantly found in the immune system.

Now, THC binds to the CB1 receptors, altering your state of mind. Herbal oil, unlike THC, has a low binding affinity with the CB1 receptors which means it will not give you that ‘high’ feeling. Instead, CBD binds to different receptors and activates them to produce its therapeutic effects by getting transported by fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) to go through cell membranes.

One of the most common uses for herbal oil is for anxiety, as it directly activates a receptor called serotonin. As we know, serotonin creates a relaxing, calming effect on a person which can help with things like addiction, insomnia, and pain management (and so much more). Herbal oil also binds with TRPV1 receptors, which is known to mediate pain perception, inflammation, and body temperature making even more of an impact on your physical being. These are just a couple of the receptors that herbal oil influences,  it’s been found that there are more than 65 molecular targets of Cannabidiol!

Remember how we mentioned Anandamide earlier? It is known as your ‘bliss molecule’ and is naturally found in the body. As mentioned, it stimulates your CB1 receptors which have a big impact on your emotions and sensory preception. Unfortunately anadamide gets transported by FABP to the enzymes that break it down, taking away its therapeutic effects. While herbal oil is in your system it is competing for FABP, leaving fewer for anadamide to bind with, thus leaving more of it in your body! Just another positive effect on your body by herbal oil!

Because of all these benefits, Precision Wellness offers massages and facials with a custom blend of herbal oil and your choice of aromatherapy. Whether you’re looking for deep tissue relaxation or are seeking relief from pain, this add-on is for you! 


Therapeutic Massage, Esthetics and Yoga

Services as unique as you are